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Thread: MSD Units - Yay or Nay?

  1. #1
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    Thumbs up MSD Units - Yay or Nay?

    As the title states,

    I am thinking about running a MSD Coilpack system on the VR what is everyones thoughts?

    Cheers Steve
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  2. #2
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    I've looked into these and have basically concluded that If you want the look then yeah go ahead... just remember that the coils start at around 50US each and then you need to do the wiring and the bracket and the coils off the coilpack's ECM which may also be quite old.

    Amazon and Ebay have the cheapest ones, also keep in mind that the VN-VR commodores can use the same individual coils at the VR6... That also means that you can use a VN ignition coil as a coil-pack replacement for about $80 parts cost.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Houso View Post
    I've looked into these and have basically concluded that If you want the look then yeah go ahead... just remember that the coils start at around 50US each and then you need to do the wiring and the bracket and the coils off the coilpack's ECM which may also be quite old.

    Amazon and Ebay have the cheapest ones, also keep in mind that the VN-VR commodores can use the same individual coils at the VR6... That also means that you can use a VN ignition coil as a coil-pack replacement for about $80 parts cost.
    Its more of a than for looks in the long run, better spark and what not also if you forced induction its better once again!
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by DubSteve View Post
    Its more of a than for looks in the long run, better spark and what not also if you forced induction its better once again!
    Thats the idea and there is real benefit in having them, but keep in mind your still running off the original ECM on your coil-pack and well that is a real limitation when you look at it. The coils that fit our cars are used on distributor based vehicles which benefit the most from an aftermarket performance distributor as well...

    Keep reading into it though, there's alot to it...

  5. #5
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    I'm looking it at it more of a FI point of view I have seen been done, it seems quite messy in the engine bay which is putting me off somewhat!

    I do realise they use the same ECM which means its probably better to get the old one recconditioned for it.
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DubSteve View Post
    I'm looking it at it more of a FI point of view I have seen been done, it seems quite messy in the engine bay which is putting me off somewhat!

    I do realise they use the same ECM which means its probably better to get the old one recconditioned for it.
    Yeah thats fair enough, keep in mind you cannot buy new ECM's they sell the coil as one piece. Exactly how one could re-con an ECM I'm unsure of...

  7. #7
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    Unless the stock system cant handle it i say nay. Its just more fiddling, more ****ying about that isnt needed.

  8. #8
    MSD product's are absolutely awesome pieces of kit but,

    How much power do you plan on making?

    What is the limitation's of the standard VR6 ignition system Steve?

    Normally VW ignition's can handle quite alot of power in standard form, both NA & FI.

    For instance a stock 20VT coil pack can handle 700+hp!

    But that's if it isn't misfiring! hahahahahaha
    Last edited by Oneofthegreats; 20-01-2009 at 05:45 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by golfworx View Post
    MSD product's are absolutely awesome pieces of kit but,
    How much power do you plan on making?
    What is the limitation's of the standard VR6 ignition system Steve?
    Normally VW ignition's can handle quite alot of power in standard form, both NA & FI.
    For instance a stock 20VT coil pack can handle 700+hp!
    But that's if it isn't misfiring! hahahahahaha
    Not sure on what power I want to make Tim but with a supercharger kit attached, basically I have heard that for a FI route a MSD is awesome to have on board.
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...


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