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Thread: MK3 Vr6, Build and background story.

  1. #1
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    Mk3 VR6 build (Now VR6 in to 2 door CL project)

    Before I get onto the Golf here is a bit of a back ground story, thought i might let you know who I am.
    About 5 years ago I needed a car I was a Holden guy back then and anything else was just rubbish in my eyes. I picked up an N14 pulsar on the cheap and thought that will do until I can get back into a commodore. The pulsar was a 1.6ltr manual and as time went on I ended up appreciating light little cars that can fly threw bends, I ended up turboing it and then sold it off.

    After this I picked up a N14 SSS pulsar it had a heap of suspension work done to it and with the SR20DE it was a great car threw some bendy roads. I got a little bit excited with this one and started ripping out the interior to make it lighter. I had the car for about 6 months and then it was defected, it was going to cost to much for a rwc so i parted it out.

    After the SSS was all gone I decided I wanted to be a cool drifter and picked up an R33, It had a bit of work and it flew. It was about now my life went crazy and I had to sell it as I needed the money, ended up kicked out of my house and my partner, my son and myself moved in with my parents, how embarrassing.

    Now we were broke I needed another car but it had to be cheap. I picked up a BMW E30, I spent a heap of cash on it over a period of a year and was a cool little car. I skidded it around for a bit but decided I wanted to get back into a FWD "hot hatch" again so I swapped it.

    I Swapped the E30 for a DA9 Integra It had a Turbo B18 and was crazy fun. In the first week of owning this car I put coilovers in it, Lightweight 16x7 wheels and a couple other little things. In the second week some ****head ran up the ass of it and wrote it off. (the only pic I have of it was when the guy ran into the back of it)

    That was about 6 months ago for that time I have been driving around a W124 E class benz until yesterday when I picked up a 94 VR6.
    Last edited by PoDgE; 10-08-2013 at 03:20 PM.

  2. #2
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    So yesterday I was putting some fuel into my G/F`s Golf. She has a Mk3 CL 2 door. As I jumped back into the car to take off some guy knocked on the window. He asked me If i was a "golf enthusiast" because he had a so called special kind of golf for sale. After some talking I followed him back to have look at his golf. Here is a pick of my G/F`s golf for the hell of it.

    The golf ended up being a VR6, It was filthy smelt like ass and needed a good clean up. It drove great but sounds like it has a destroyed engine mount somewhere, a passengers side drive shaft problem and possibly needed new control arm bushes. It was just the type of car I like to buy lol. Negotiations where had and for just over 1K I have a Vr6 with 3 months rego.

    I took it for a spin last night it feels great the car pulls hard all the way to redline and the gearbox feels smooth. After a hard drive the car smells like coolant so I will flush it all out and give the motor a full service during the week and see how we go. This morning I started to clean out the hatch, the plan for this car is to daily it but to use it on the weekend for some hill runs and the occasional Winton grip day. The carpet in the back was Stained, fithy and falling apart so in the bin it went along with the destroyed parcel shelf. The spare and tools have a new home in the garage. It was even filthy under the carpet.

    I vacuumed the hatch area and removed the wet, stinking foam that was under the spare then wiped it all down and polished it so it looked nice and clean again. I couldn`t get all of the foam off there are still some small bits on there but i will have a go again later with some citrus spray.

    After this I pulled the airbox out and gave it the old Swiss Cheese treatment, Ill pick up a replacement filter for it during the week when I do the service. That`s it for now, I want to clean it all up and repair everything first before I start modding anything once the car is 100% then the fun things can start. Hopefully this wasn`t boring for you but I had fun thinking about and looking at pictures of my old cars.
    Last edited by PoDgE; 30-06-2013 at 02:44 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    great looking vr dude , 1k is a serious bargain for it cant wait to see what your gonna do with it
    -2003 Vw Bora Vr6 4-Motion - Back From The Dead LiNk tO PhOtO Thread
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Central Coast, NSW

    MK3 Vr6, Build and background story.

    Nice! Good pickup. Awesome colour too

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the complements guys. Yeah I thought 1k was a fair deal so I took it. Just tonight my G/F took the car and as she started it it sounded like the timing chain rattled for a split second. I think I read somewhere today that timing chains are a common thing to replace on these?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Great story.

    Yeah, chains are common if the motor has high k's on it. It's a big job to so, and if you're gonna do the chains, guides, and tensioner, do the gears as well, because they'll be worn, and will chew out the new chains if you re-use the old ones.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
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  7. #7
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    So today was my 3rd day of VR6 ownership, and I have started to find some small problems, but its still all good. I was giving some **** to one of my mates that the VR6 would beat his turbo SSS pulsar so we met up to find out. I get halfway there and bang clutch pedal to the floor, after 30 mins I got it back home driving without the clutch. We had a look and the clutch slave looks like it has been weeping so I ordered a new one on Ebay. I have owned the car for 3 days and it is already off the road lol lets hope it doesn't continue like this.

  8. #8
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    Does it spring up if u pull it up & spring down if u push it down ?
    If so its a common problem. Its actually a piece of metal that breaks in the pedal cluster.
    It also sometimes happens to damage your slave or master cylinder when it breaks too.
    You have to weld that piece back to fix it.
    Nice find & story btw, sort after colour that, though your not gonna be beatin anyone with that pee shooter exhaust tip
    Remove the silencer (suitcase delete) and find the stock exhaust muffler or replace the silencer with a muffler and get a cheap twin tip muffler made up, assuming this cars abit tired i wouldnt recommend anthing bigger than 2.75" tips (using tips that are too big, usually results in alot of noise but no go after a while).
    Do a service an reroute your pcv line to a catch can, it runs better without all that oil being sucked into the engine.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    MK3 Vr6, Build and background story.

    Side note. VR will have a ~200fwkw SSS till top of third then he gets traction.

  10. #10
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    I read about the clutch pedal breaking but it all looks intact to me. If you bleed the clutch it comes good for a sec then goes bad again. This blue is a sort after color? I think its disgusting, I was going to paint it. The exhaust will be sorted asap and just for the record I was just giving him ****, I know I have no chance against his pulsar lol.

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