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Thread: Mk3 killing fuel pumps?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    Mk3 killing fuel pumps?

    Becoming a very frustrated mk3 owner at the minute! Yesterday the golf after running fine all day suddenly decided not to start in the afternoon. The car would turn over fine and had plenty of battery however was not supplying fuel to the engine

    after checking a different fuel pump relay I took the lines off the fuel pump and it was clearly not pumping fuel.
    after grabbing a spare used fuel pump i plugged that in and *whalla!* the replacement pump had power. So I dropped it in the tank hooked all the lines back up and fired up the car... beautiful, started first pop and ran fine, happy days! after a few minutes I shut the car off and returned to tightening up all the hoses/cover etc.
    5-10 minutes later I went to start the car again and bam, same issue! the replacement pump is now not feeding!

    Any ideas??

    The only thing I have done differently is fill up with e10 fuel recently, (10% ethanol mix) but can't see why that would be any issue

    thoughts would be much appreciated


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Inner West, NSW
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    I've got a very similar issue. Mine won't pump after light/heavy rain and I think it could be an issue with the connectors and covers because the car does start but if I rev to 2000rpm (in neutral) let it drop to 1200 and then stamp my foot to floor, the pump just doesn't feed fuel and stutters then stalls itself... very annoying as there has been some heavy rainfall in sydney these past few days and I can't drive anywhere

  3. #3
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    It's got me stumped! it would make sense if it was a gradual break down, but just seems to have lost connection or power after being shut off, however all fuses etc are fine. might have to invest in a voltmeter to figure this one out

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    yeah, just tried to start my car and the pump has literally died.

    Not gonna fix it though, organising for the engine swap to be done earlier now so I don't funnel more money into the 1.late and so I can spend more on the VR

  5. #5
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    sounds like a plan there druce.

    I'm thinking it must be an electrical gremlin somewhere though? can't fathom what would cause a running pump to just not turn back on after being shut off?

    would a clogged fuel filter have any effect on shutting the pump off entirely? surely it would still attempt running with a bunged filter?..

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I had a similar problem a while ago, ended up being an electrical fault that was located under the dashboard where the wires run into the fuse and relay box. took an eternity to find let me tell you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Hey mate, Have you tried hooking up a seperate power and earth supply to the pump. (Snap on Power probe) or another car battery with wires from the terminals can work ok too. This way you can eliminate the vehicle wiring / relays etc..

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    E10 is rubbish. Turns the rubber and plastic into jelly and clogs the pump. Put 98 octane in. It costs the same because car runs better and takes you further.

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