They're not too hard to replace.
Wipe the grease out, and you'll find a circular cover in the centre. You'll destroy it getting it out, so you'll need to buy another from VW. They're only $13 or so. Once you've got that out, there's a snap ring that needs to come out, then you just tap the stub axle out with a hammer. There'll be a large spring behind it, too. It wont fly out, but you'll just need to make sure it doesn't go missing.
If it's on the driver's side, leave it out until you put the gearbox back in. It'll make life so much easier. You may have noticed that it fouls on the flywheel when you remove the gearbox.
Replace the bolts, and put Loctite on them. You'll need an M8 spline socket to do them up. Make sure they're reasonably tight, too.