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Thread: MK3 golf gearbox questions

  1. #1
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    MK3 golf gearbox questions

    The other day the drive shaft bolts came loose on my G/F`s golf and she dropped her driveshaft thank god it happened as she hopped off of the free way! the problem now is the drive shaft put a hole in the box so i went picked up a new box but the threads for the driveshaft on the stub axle into the gear box are all stuffed on her new one so i was wondering if it is easy to pull out the stub axle from the box and replace it?

  2. #2
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    They're not too hard to replace.

    Wipe the grease out, and you'll find a circular cover in the centre. You'll destroy it getting it out, so you'll need to buy another from VW. They're only $13 or so. Once you've got that out, there's a snap ring that needs to come out, then you just tap the stub axle out with a hammer. There'll be a large spring behind it, too. It wont fly out, but you'll just need to make sure it doesn't go missing.

    If it's on the driver's side, leave it out until you put the gearbox back in. It'll make life so much easier. You may have noticed that it fouls on the flywheel when you remove the gearbox.

    Replace the bolts, and put Loctite on them. You'll need an M8 spline socket to do them up. Make sure they're reasonably tight, too.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  3. #3
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    Thank you so much for this mate! i will get onto VW asap to get a new cover! is there a seal in there to?

  4. #4
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    The cover is a seal. Although if the seal where the stub axle goes into the gearbox is leaking, you can order a repair kit that comes with the seal, the cover, and a new snap ring.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  5. #5
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    its not leaking but that sounds like the way to go hey!

  6. #6
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    so i have another problem here! i have the box mounted and bolted up! what i cant seem to do is get the driverside stub axel in far enough to put the snap ring on! it seems that with the big spring behind it everytime i hit it with a hammer it just bounces back i have it in a bit but not enough to fit the snap ring anyone have any ideas on how to get it back in the gearbox!

  7. #7
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    I would never advise anyone to try and put that hub back in whilst box in in the car would have been loads easier on the floor.
    There is a special tool, or you can force it in with a huge g clamp or whatever, but very difficult when box is in car due to spring loaded diff pushing on it! You need to push in hub, hold in, then put on circlip, then cover!
    Good Luck
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Loon View Post
    I would never advise anyone to try and put that hub back in whilst box in in the car would have been loads easier on the floor.
    There is a special tool, or you can force it in with a huge g clamp or whatever, but very difficult when box is in car due to spring loaded diff pushing on it! You need to push in hub, hold in, then put on circlip, then cover!
    Good Luck
    The reason why we left it out was because the stub axel makes it a pain in the ass to get the box in and out! ill try your idea to use clamps to hold it in !

  9. #9
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    Way easier with the special tool, i suppose you could make your own, its a block that sits across the flange and then through the centre is the threaded bar and you bolt down and in the flange goes, fit clip and cover. Can be a fiddle.
    Good luck
    Alba European
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  10. #10
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    Every one I've ever done, I just pushed the stub axle in by hand, and slipped the snap ring on. No trick to it, really.

    That tool would make it even easier again. Might make something up for next time.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0


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