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Thread: mk3 3dr beater

  1. #91
    Join Date
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    mk3 3dr beater

    Pink slip only lights , tyres , cv boots and body are checked. It's a very basic check
    Scirocco R, APR 2+,VWR BBK,HP, QUAIFE, FORGE, VWR 18x9.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Slightly ground down carriers are easy to paint and make look stock, and washers take a minute to take out anyway if you ever need a full inspection

  3. #93
    Join Date
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    mk3 3dr beater

    You should install those camber shims though I reckon. I had washers on my mk1 (not registered) and there's no way I'd do it on a road car..

    You got the ez camber shims right?

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I'm rolling with washers in mine, just used some loctite and tourqed the bolts right up to make sure they're not going anywhere. If you're doing washers make sure you just put one on the front bolt and not the back, or you will get massive toe in. Sure it's less than ideal but unless you're putting extreme stress on them (such as on the track or something) I'm not to worried about things breaking. Although if you do have the proper shims just sitting around, it doesn't make much sence not to use them.

  5. #95
    Join Date
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    I'm sorry but that deserves a face palm ben. There are places to cut corners, and there are places where you just shouldn't.

    Loctite wont help the bolt from shearing.

    i like volkswagens
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  6. #96
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    mk3 3dr beater

    The problem with using washers is that the stub axle isn't mounted hard up against the rear beam. It's almost like running wheels that aren't hub centric..

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I do know exactly what you mean guys and have every intention of putting shims in when I get some. It definitely does stress the bolts in ways they aren't meant to be and I would never recommend them to people, but will just say I've been running them for close to a year with no problem, and have heard of a lot of other people running them with no problem, and am yet to read a horror story of things going wrong. Compared to big spacers, stretched tyres and etc I wouldn't think a washer to add a degree of camber would be much more dangerous. When you start piling them up to get extreme camber that's just plain stupid. I could probably figure out some actual numbers of how the different forces change when a washer is put in opposed to having it sit flush and it would probably be quite frightening. Maybe later if I'm bored.

    But yea, still like I said, if you have propper shims it would be silly not to put them in. I only did washers as a temporary thing (which like many temporary things, I forgot about and left for far longer than intended)

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by ffoff View Post
    You should install those camber shims though I reckon. I had washers on my mk1 (not registered) and there's no way I'd do it on a road car..

    You got the ez camber shims right?
    Yeah I got them, just couldn't be bothered using my brain haha. There were a few washers sitting next to the camber shims on the shelf and yeah lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben J View Post
    I'm rolling with washers in mine, just used some loctite and tourqed the bolts right up to make sure they're not going anywhere. If you're doing washers make sure you just put one on the front bolt and not the back, or you will get massive toe in. Sure it's less than ideal but unless you're putting extreme stress on them (such as on the track or something) I'm not to worried about things breaking. Although if you do have the proper shims just sitting around, it doesn't make much sence not to use them.
    Hmmm I put washers on both bottom bolts, I was thinking about removing the back ones... Noticed there was heaps of toe in lol. I bought the shims with every intention of using them but when I looked at the instructions it was all like angle this and degrees that, I suck at maths.

    Someone tell me exactly which bits of the shims I need to snip off/drill through for maximum camber and I'll use them, I can't be ****ed thinking hahaha.

    I guess an angle grinder and a hammer can't fix everthing

    Edit: Damn you guys, now you've got me reading the instructions and it's kinda making sense....
    Last edited by shooitt; 03-11-2012 at 01:56 PM.
    '95 Golf 3dr... low. slow. loud.

  9. #99
    Join Date
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    mk3 3dr beater

    Yeah it only took me 5 minutes to figure out. Do it right, do it once.

  10. #100
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    Re: mk3 3dr beater

    Quote Originally Posted by ffoff View Post
    Yeah it only took me 5 minutes to figure out. Do it right, do it once.
    I'm doing it now, one is done already lol. At least I've tested out the washer method haha
    '95 Golf 3dr... low. slow. loud.

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