lowerr it
lowerr it
Scraping is part of life. When you start getting beached is a sign.
"I only post on Facebook if I know i am going to get likes" - M
I shall keep that in mind then
Please save your $$$ and paint that bonnet and grille. Looks awsome!
Thats the plan! Hopefully will have it done before the wheels get here. Also going to respray my hatch as I've got some bad clear peeling.
Guys, I also noticed, when I've got my headlights on low-low beam, the drivers side is really dim compared to the passengers. Josh told me the unit was completely new but could it be the bulbs? On normal beam the brightness in both headlights seems equal.
Hahah @ the paint comments.
Also, try swapping the parkers between the headlights and see if it's the other way round. If so it'd be the bulbs.