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Thread: Meet the 3 door CL!

  1. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by KI11Z View Post
    **** yeh, clean man!
    Cheers! Everything is slowly coming up Milhouse
    Quote Originally Posted by Smeeeb View Post
    It's nothing overly fancy, but has a proper video mode which is dope as!

    Sunday arvo could work, i can't do saturday because i'm coaching cricket in the morning and playing grade in the afternoon, then work at night...

    Come down and drop of the goods for that guy aswell.
    Thats sweet man! Canon or Nikon? Awesome, I'll shoot you a text anyway and we can confirm shiz. Hopefully by then I'll have the wheels powdercoated and the parts ordered so I can get ready to build them over chrissy

  2. #132
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    car looks soooo much better now, plans to ditch the yellow plates?

    Thought RS were the case
    just for interest sake, what was the stud pattern before? one part of me wants to say its 5x114.3, and now 4x100. but I cant see the 4th hole well enough to see if they plugged it or just drilled a dirty big hole through it?
    Bora gone
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  3. #133
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    Yh, the yellow was giving me the ****s towards the end of it haha and yes, the plan is Euro plates next march when rego is due; willing to pay the extra per year but I want my plates to match mums, dads and my brothers (they're all NXGxxx).

    Well they're a timeless classic!
    Correct, stud pattern was 5x114.3 and he did a massive dirty and just made the 4th hole bigger and used a spacer to "fill in" the gap because he wasn't really bothered to weld up the holes. I'm not too fussed because they will be covered anyway and that was the point he was trying to make - no point welding if theyre not on show!

  4. #134
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    Quick little update time!

    Barrels were dropped off at Magman at Punchbowl yesterday morning - he's such a top bloke and finished fixing the crack, flat spots and making sure their true again this afternoon. I've organised for the barrels, waffles and faces to be painted early January at a fair price. Not sure when the new lips, hexes and bolts arrive but it'll be very soon - then it's assembly time

    Until next time, happy scraping!
    Last edited by drucejnr; 13-12-2013 at 02:10 PM.

  5. #135
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    Now it's been a little over a month since the last "update" but during that month, a bit has been going on with the car... and the wheels

    I've had the faces of the RS's powder coated (colour TBA) and shall be picking them up tomorrow. The barrels of the wheels have been fixed; no more cracks, flat spots and they've been painted also. The lips, bolts and hexes are still somewhere in the magic land of "shipping" and they're the only things holding back this build BUT hopefully I'll have them in by tomorrow and the wheels built by Friday.

    I got annoyed with having really foggy and dirty indicators so I did some cheapbay shopping and bought some new clear indicators. I made the mistake of buying American indicators but that was all good - nothing a little brute force and pair of pliers couldn't fix when "fitting" them into the bumper.

    A few days later another package came and I thought it was hide time... Got my wiring loom all sorted and Voila! Proper working fog lights! They blew on my the other night but it's all good - was just the fuse, not some dodgy wiring job.

    This morning I decided I'd paint the brakes black because why not, and I also fixed up the peeling patch of clear on my hatch.

    And this is how she looks now

    PS - had to raise the car to 100mm to pass rego/aide in the fitting of wheels later this week.

    Until next time, happy scraping (or lack there of)!

  6. #136
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    I think white is the cleanest colour ! That respray doe.. Looking good !
    Build and learn, not buy and earn.

  7. #137
    Join Date
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    Central Coast, NSW
    Dude saw some pics of this floating around from Halfway. Looks killer on the wheels! Fine tune the height and it'll be perfect.

  8. #138
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    oi, as i was looking through hashtags of mk3 on instagram like an hour ago, your car came up with your new shoes on they look farrrrkkkn clean

  9. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by anthony--t View Post
    Dude saw some pics of this floating around from Halfway. Looks killer on the wheels! Fine tune the height and it'll be perfect.
    Quote Originally Posted by junyip_69 View Post
    oi, as i was looking through hashtags of mk3 on instagram like an hour ago, your car came up with your new shoes on they look farrrrkkkn clean
    Cheers boys! and I was just about to post an "update"

    Anth, I plan on getting either H&R or KWv2 coils very soon as the JOMs are just terrible and I'm hating the roughness they have and thanks Junyip

  10. #140
    Join Date
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    Central Coast, NSW

    Save yourself some dosh and get the cx racing coils off eBay.

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