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Thread: me and my mk3

  1. #11
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    I love watching cars evolve and like you said, it's yours now so you're the only one who needs to be happy with it. That said, I'm loving the mods, would you believe I was thinking about doing the wheels in white myself... one of those many little things I just hadn't gotten to yet... like the front bumper, the fogs... As for the radio mod, genius

    That cluster looks like it's from an Auto (extra lights down the right side). You might be able to pull that bit off and use the front cover from the old cluster to hide that (although it does mean hacking up two working clusters?).
    While it's out you can think about punching up the stock lighting with some LED's or doing the MCM Shift Light which is nice and subtle

    Just happy to see you enjoying it!

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Hawk View Post
    I love watching cars evolve and like you said, it's yours now so you're the only one who needs to be happy with it. That said, I'm loving the mods, would you believe I was thinking about doing the wheels in white myself... one of those many little things I just hadn't gotten to yet... like the front bumper, the fogs... As for the radio mod, genius

    That cluster looks like it's from an Auto (extra lights down the right side). You might be able to pull that bit off and use the front cover from the old cluster to hide that (although it does mean hacking up two working clusters?).
    While it's out you can think about punching up the stock lighting with some LED's or doing the MCM Shift Light which is nice and subtle

    Just happy to see you enjoying it!
    Haha that's funny that you were thinking of doing the wheels white and thanks, I was happy with how the radio worked out.

    Yeah the new cluster is from an auto but all the warning lights are different and I don't really want to stuff around with the clusters as they're pretty expensive. The old one works fine except I ruined the clock trying to reverse the lcd
    So when a silver face with orange needle cluster showed up with low fuel lights etc I thought I'd grab it because I have heard it's a good idea to have a spare cluster if you own a mk3 anyway as apparently they fail a lot.

    I'll just live with the auto section it doesn't annoy me too much (even though it's only been in for a day) and I have considered mods such as shift light but yeah clusters are too expensive for me to be messing with them at the moment haha maybe one day I'll experiment with it.

    ---------- Post added at 12:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------

    Now that I think about it, a shift light would be pretty cool in that auto section. Just have the whole right side of the cluster light up haha. I might look into it

  3. #13
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    The casing comes off so you can screw with that without touching the electronic bits, one of the mods it to replace the stock bulbs which light up the cluster faces with brighter (or different coloured) LED's. Essentially you drill a few holes then add in a little wiring and some hot glue. You could have an extra LED for the shift light and it would all be hidden in the top of the cluster. Could even put in a relay and make the stock lighting over the rev counter change colours at the shift point if you wanted to get all fancy

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  4. #14
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    Yeah I have blue bulbs that fit the top one but they weren't very bright and don't like them as they don't fit with the rest of the lights. I've seen the mod page some guy made about it but I would only do green or white. I removed the green filter on the old cluster and the stock bulbs shine through in a warm white kind of way, similar to headlights or interior lights, looked ok. I will probably rehouse it eventually to get rid of the automatic screen but I'm thinking relays for shift lights is a little too advanced and unnecessary for me. Great ideas though that I'll keep in mind for further down the track

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    I'd say the extra bulbs in the indicators are the day time running lights for American cars

    Car's looking cool man
    2016 Golf Alltrack

    Mk3 1.8t

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by coons88 View Post
    I'd say the extra bulbs in the indicators are the day time running lights for American cars

    Car's looking cool man
    Thanks man

    Yeah pretty confident that's what the extra bulbs are for and because I don't have the wiring for it it I just taped up the wire and put it in behind the lights.

  7. #17
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    looks great, love the white wheels
    coming to nats ??

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rd Runrr View Post
    looks great, love the white wheels
    coming to nats ??
    Thanks The white wheels have been a hit with most people. Now to see how well the finish will last.

    Won't be making nats unfortunately as have a family commitment and uni stuff to be done

  9. #19
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    nice and clean dude, looking good!

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhooper View Post
    nice and clean dude, looking good!
    Cheers! The courier driver complemented it, asked what year/model etc and said it looked very nice. glad people dig it!

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