That Nut attaches to a bearing inside the rubber top hat and holds the spring onto the strut.
Yours does not do up enough because it is buggered. The bearing is collapsed and the rubber is crushed.
You need to change the hat and the bearing and then do that nut up tightly with a rattlegun, then put the other cap and nut back on. Then all will be well.
You should not remove that nut as it is needed for the strut.
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I left my mk2 to rub for a few weeks, and in that time it slowly grazed away at the tyre, then went over a really bad pot hole and it dug this massive chunk out of the tyre. Raised it another few mm that arvo.
Shaved sidewalls FTW.
Lol, the sidewalls weren't in the guards. I wish!!!
9 month old tyres are down to the wear indicators because of the last 2 weeks. Only on the outside, still plenty of meat lefti n the guts of the tyre for safety/grip though...
Raised it today, though its still tucking a bit at the back....
And with thanks to Tim, now got a euro lip. It was 60mm offf the deck before i raised it.
Will get better pics when we go for another shoot