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Thread: led lighting for speedo and air con controls

  1. #1
    dj_daniel88 Guest

    led lighting for speedo and air con controls

    hi everyone,

    there must be a loose wire behind my air con controls because the lights sometimes work and sometimes dont. when they dont if you give it a wack they come on again... i assume its a loose wire.

    same goes for the lights for the speedo, most the time half of them are off, only very occasionally they come on. the last time they were on was a month a go or so now.

    wondering if anybody knows how to access these lights for replacement or to be fixed? wouldn't know where to start to pull it apart!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Perth, WA
    No idea but I have the same issue with my air con cluster. Makes things feel rather dodgy, dunnit?
    1996 Golf VR6 Colour Concept Green

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sydney NSW
    Users Country Flag
    to get to the air con controls you have to pull the ash tray out, pop all the switchs out for widows etc and take the facia off of the center console. From there I cannot remember what to do...
    If you pull on the dial the covers just pop off.
    You might have to undo all the AC controls at the back before you can get the lighting bit off.

    With the Spedo... You do not have to remove the steering wheel - but make sure it is centered. You might have to play with the height.
    You need to pop out the facia bits on the lower LHS and RHS of the instument surround.
    RHS is the Airbag/ABS warning lights.
    These hide 2 screws that hold the cluster surround down.
    Now there is a trick and you may need brute force here...
    the surround is held at the Top LHS and RHS tounge and slot locking mecahinsms. just work one side at a time gently pulling the surround straight out toward driver while holding the rest of the dash in its place so you dont rip it out!
    To take the cluster out there is 2 screws LHS and RHS, cluster then just pops out. Hard part is you have to reach around back of cluster and undo the connectors - you may have 3-4 connectors to undo - there are locking tabs top/bottom you squeeze and connector just pulls out towards engine. You will be installing the connectors blind when putting them back in - but they keyed and will only go in one spot only.
    You then have the ability to swap out the lighting bulbs.
    there are 3 across the top for the Abient dial lighting - this s what you have blown, then on the back of the cluster are more for warning lights etc.

    Hope this helps.

    \( O ) o\====(\X/)=TDI=/o ( O )/ 2011 Jetta Mk5 125TDI - Squidly

    ((o)(O))====(\X/)=TDI=((O)(o)) 1996 Golf Mk3 TDI - Squid

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Banff, Canada
    Fantastic write-up there Gigitt, I need to do this myself, so it was great to get such a detailed description!!!

    Keep up the good work
    Canadian dubs coming to VWwA soon

  5. #5
    dj_daniel88 Guest
    so i have been playing around with it tonight. i haven't touched the speedo lighting cluster yet, i think that might take me a while.

    for the a/c controls you just pop off the fascia and pull the ash tray out and unscrew the 6 screws, as gigitt said. the light behind the controls is fine, and the wire is connected firm, it just goes on and off, and when u give it a wack it comes on again. does anybody know how i could fix this ?

    and now the orange light for the A/C button does not come on!! but the others do... it came on ONCE but then stopped again... it seems like everything is loose back there. but , it is all connected properly.

    suggestions anyone? thanks for your help gigitt !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Hey there..
    I have same problem..
    forgot who I stole this page from. But it's step by step for the speedo, My light blew as well, will do as soon as I can.
    But here's a start.


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