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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    im a pom from the UK, but am living in Oz for a while...

    Just found a leak coming from the front of the engine. It appears to be coming from the thermo housing or the black plastic pipe (ive heard it refered to as the crack pipe).

    1. Would anyone know where exactly it would be coming from or can anyone suggest where i should go buy these bits from. I am in the western suburbs of sydney.

    2. I read here that its a big job to replace the thermo housing, do i need to pull off the front panel, radiator and grill??? what else needs to come off?

    3. are there any special tools required?

    4. how long should it take and any special prcedures?

    Thanks so much for your help.

  2. #2
    brackie Guest

    Help needed

    When's somebody gonna help this guy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Skye, Victoria
    Users Country Flag
    If this is a VR6 jump on vortex and search "crack pipe" there are a few companies that do a kit with a metal "crack pipe" which solves majority of the problems with this kind of leak.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    im a pom from the UK, but am living in Oz for a while...
    Thread Starter

    Dont worry guys, i PM Golf Loon and i know what needs to be gonna take it to a mechanic!!!!!!


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