the globe in the golf key had blown and as it is a weird globe (didnt want to pay a million dollars for a genuine vw one) converted it to a led will hopfully last longer and just as bright
went to jacar 1.00 for a 3mm white led (think i could of used a 5mm one but didnt realise until i put this in
had to buy a new battrey the original is a 1.5 v alcaline and the leds run on 3v
i got a cr1616 lithium coin battery which has the same diameter as the old one it is just a little thinner
trimed the legs of the led and bent the positive leg at 90 degrees and sloted it into the coper contact part
i trimmed the negative leg a bit shorter and put that between the spring and a small pice of plastic and it wedged in there nicley
put it back together and it worked perfectly
and no soldering
