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Thread: Jetta MK3? Help out a noob XD

  1. #1
    chrislol Guest

    Jetta MK3? Help out a noob XD

    Hey guys,

    I was directed here by some people telling me you guys from vwwatercooled would know best.

    Just interested in whether it is possible to get MK3 Jetta's in Australia?

    Are these cars even made in right hand drive?

    Or was the Jetta renamed to Vento for release here, and is it exactly the same as the Jetta?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Parkinson / Brisbane
    Users Country Flag
    Hi mate!

    To my knowledge the jetta is our vento, same poo poo but with a different smell GET ONE

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    West Sydney
    Users Country Flag

    They're badged as the Vento here in Australia. Exactly the same, save for minor differences in the exterior pieces. The Mk3 Jetta, sold in America, I believe had slightly different bumpers. Mind you, these differences are so slight that you usually don't pick them up unless you put them side to side with each other. Differences I can think of from the top of my head is that the Jetta had sidemarkers on its bumpers, the Vento has a Euro plate recess, and the gap indent in between the top of the bumper and the rest of the bumper is larger on the Vento. If you want I can try and find pics of the two to illustrate the differences, but they're basically the same cars, just badged different according to region.

    If you're looking to buy a Vento, there's one at a Merrylands (NSW) dealer right now, advertised at $4999. I don't know about the major details (mileage, transmission, year etc.), I just started noticing it last week when walking to and from the station. If you're interested I'll try and get you an address/phone number.


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