they are pretty tough mate...
just listen for a tinkering noise (chains)
And check the a/c if it works...some pack up.
Also check out the heater core they stuff up and leak
Also make sure all the windows work.
And don't get an auto...they suck.
I own a mk4 2.0L rally. sitting on 19's lowered nice tint on the windows and got new tail lights and headlights coming in, looks super nice, ill post a pic soon.. but ive been looking at vr6's lately and im liking them alot.. wouldnt mind selling my mk 4 to get one but i dont know much about the vr6.. anything major i need to know? or any reasons why i should or shouldnt do that?
they are pretty tough mate...
just listen for a tinkering noise (chains)
And check the a/c if it works...some pack up.
Also check out the heater core they stuff up and leak
Also make sure all the windows work.
And don't get an auto...they suck.
Hahaha! an auto. i wouldnt dare! thanks !
I think you can live with-out a Heater core and A/C, but depends on where you live.
Windows down in Summer and a full on snow outfit in Winter
One thing to note in the Auto vs Manual debate is that Auto's probably havn't been driven that hard whilst manuals have been 'booted' every day.
But what Stu outlined is really the only things you wanna watch out for.
MK2 - *Insert list of dealer purchased extra's/standard features here*
80 series - The MK2's BIG, Sooty, polar opposite...
they enjoy burning your money. A couple common things to fail are timing chains and heater core which will both set you back over a grand each to fix, then theres many other issues that arise, and the fuel economy of a six cylinder may hurt a little more then the little 2.0.
That said, the noise alone makes up for the slighly higher running costs, let alone the looks you get from guys in commodores when they embarrass them selves at the lights. If you find one that has a good service histoy and look after it, it shouldnt cuase many problems, well worth the "downgrade" from the mk4.