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Thread: I guess another VR6!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    I guess another VR6!

    Man everybody seems to be getting mk3 vr6's at this stage.

    I have owned mine for little over a month.
    This is what it looked like when i got it.

    Which i have already had to replace pretty much all of the front suspension parts bar the shock and spring and lower control arm. All bushes and even spring tophat as it had a big tear of metal missing and also assembled wrong so metal was half way worn thru. Phew i managed to fix it and get onto it quickly.

    However i have now decided to replace the heater core as it's broken.
    well 1.5 hours and this what my car looks like now.

    But did not have spline kit so thats where I ended up.
    Will continue tonight so should have the whole car back together by midnight. lol

    Should be getting thermostat and housing including all O rings tomorrow. So can then fix the water leak. Also the Air by pass valve on the Cam cover blow by, also broken so will be fixing that too, should be getting that part hopefully in the next two weeks. Once this is all done, i can re gas the aircon.

    Then hopefully all will be well.

    Will also be pulling the intake system off in the next few days, it might even be tomorrow. Hopefully have some pics on the way too. I know everyone always like photos. Getting the Cam cover powder coated and maybe the intake too. or polished, but will look into both. Hopefully by this stage it should be all good.

    Once my Coilpack starts giving issue's. I'll replace it with some MSD ignition coils and new leads, hopefully the car will be even better. lol
    I think this is about it at this stage.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
    Secret Project

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Adelaide, SA
    Welcome, wow there's no better experience with a new car than having to tackle changing the heater core straight away and the suspension.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Ermington, Sydney
    Quote Originally Posted by V®6 View Post
    Welcome, wow there's no better experience with a new car than having to tackle changing the heater core straight away and the suspension.
    Yeah man you're nuts! I'd love to do mine but it's a daily so if I screw it up or take my time I can't go anywhere unless I take someone else's car lol..
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    those South Ifrican vrsecs rums are really are nice huh! it's a shame we didnt get them here

    Big thumbs up on the maintenance! love your work

  5. #5
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    haha thanks guys,

    Mr Mickey my car too is a daily, however no heater and no aircon, make for one very hot/cold drive around. lol

    If you start early enough on a saturday morning, you will have the car back together again in the evening.

    Or if you really want, buy me a plain ticket and i'll come help you over the weekend.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
    Secret Project

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Might as well do ur ignition switch while ur there

    Top stuff tho, what are ur plans for it?

  7. #7
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    why should i look at doing the igintion switch?

    Well it's 5:30Am on friday morning, i got out of bed on Thursday 8:30am. I have almost been awake for 24 hours straight.

    Got back into to tackling the system last night around 8:30pm.

    Once i started i noticed there are many remaining wires for an old car alarm system, So i decided what the hell i'll pull it all out. I have pulled it out bar the two wires running to the boot. The reason, well their is so many parts on the back seats i cant even get under them or even see them. lol

    It turns out however ordered the car from new decided to be cheap skate and buy some cheap Sh^&*&^$ty aircon system, not even close to the correct thing, so getting it all apart was an nightmare i managed to get it all out, however with such a stupid design the unit does not fit correctly and appears like it broke it's mounting point around 10 or more years ago.

    I have replace all the broken air vents Foam. And had to add extra structure to the heater unit and air/fan unit.

    However the fan unit is so heavy that i still have a gap where the air unit meets the pollen filter mount.

    Once the kneebar is back in i'll have a look at what i can do.

    I have figured out all the wiring on the left hand side of the car. In Term to where they go etc. I could not careless what they really control. lol

    I'm hoping like hell that the car will start after i have just removed all the old car alarm system. Well i have my fingers crossed for that one.

    Decide once the car is together i'll make sure that car is running then perhaps replace the PCV valve and cam cover gasket.
    In addition to that install a thermal intake gasket on the intake manifold. hopefully it will do something for the vr6. The 1.8T AGU noticed a huge difference once installed.

    Well i have pictures but decided i'm going to have a at least 1-2 hours of sleep before work.

    Will update pics later on today hopefully.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
    Secret Project

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Ermington, Sydney
    Good on you for all the work man, looking forward to the shots
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  9. #9
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    well my saturday did not end up how i wanted to.

    I managed to get as far as mounting the kneebar back in, but did require some modification as far mounting is concerned for the airbox. (mounts were all broken so made some bracket, hopefully this last).

    I had to do a bilstein shocks/H&R springs kit fitting in a mk4 on saturday.

    I have done them before usually get it all done in less than 2 hours. However the front right shock did not feel like coming out. it took me almost 3.5 hours just to remove and replace that one shock. When the i refitted it, then shocks top hat appears to pop out of alignment ever so slightly so the shock did not mount correctly. So out it came AGAIN, reassembled the shock, this time it works correctly. And re-installed the shock.

    All in all what was suppose to be a 3 hour max job turned into a whole day ordeal as i started at 10am and only managed to finish around 4pm in the afternoon.

    Then i had to attend a friends 21st, no i'm way past that point, lol.

    so got stuck back into the vr6 yesterday. decided to clean the dashboard first, before remounting. so now all shiny and clean (yay).

    Also decided the stereo gear in there was installed like a dogs bollocks. so ripped that all out and replaced all that with my own gear. then tide up all the wiring behind the dash again and pretty much finished putting the dash back together again, and then found out the Stupid mistake i made. BUGGER came to mind.

    I managed to route the heated seats plug and ABS/Airbag warning light wiring plugs the wrong way around, so i'll have to pull majority of the dash apart again, only 15 minute job this time luckily ( I hope, unless i have to pull dashboard out to reroute the wiring).

    I also had to replace the broken temp sensor on the girlfriends mk4 GTI yesterday.

    Well where do i begin??
    I forgot to loosen the radiator bottle cap, so the system was still fully pressurized. Pulled the plug of the sensor, pulled the C clip off. Hmm, not popping off must be ok? Boy was i wrong, as soon as i slightly tugged on the sensor it shot out of there like a bat out of hell. Managed to get 4 metres on the sensor and i was completely drenched in hot radiator fluid from head to toe (bugger this weekend was just not my weekend).

    Then to make things worse was that i fitted new sensor (did not see the O-ring on the sensor so pressumed it was still in the hole), so i started filling the radiator fluid and the bottle never overflowed. So i thought to myself this is strange, then i had a look at the sensor and found that the O-ring is missing and all the fluid getting put in was running out by the sensor.

    So i decided to send the girlfriends on a O-ring hunt, first went to Super cheap Auto. the were so helpful that i could have received more help from a brick wall. Then proceeded to to Repco. Where they too where not sure of what i was looking for. And tried to give her a Sump plug washer or a C-clip. Useless i tell you. then i went with her to Repco about 20 minutes away each way. They pulled O-ring box out and got the correct O-ring. Replugged and all ok now.
    Last edited by glidn; 30-03-2009 at 07:39 AM.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
    Secret Project

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Ermington, Sydney

    Man oh man, it sounds like you've had some serious fun this weekend....

    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

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