my biggest concern would be the roadworthy. Its harder to get a roady on an unregistered car because it has to be presented to vic roads. Could end up being more expensive than maintaining the rego. obviously depending on the condition of the car
If I am potentially replacing the engine, instead of repairing it, is it wise to cancel a rego, then renew after an engine swap has been completed?
There are obvious registration issues for me to think about. Like do I need to get an engineers certificate because the numbers wouldn't match up?
The car is registered until June I think. So I might get a few dollars by cashing it in now, yes?
my biggest concern would be the roadworthy. Its harder to get a roady on an unregistered car because it has to be presented to vic roads. Could end up being more expensive than maintaining the rego. obviously depending on the condition of the car
Aside from the whole broken engine thing, I'm quite sure it's as RWC as it gets. No modifications, and it was checked before I bought it (legitimacy unknown).
I could realllly use the cash too. Not for fun stuff either.
You are mad to de-register it and then re-rego. Lots of other stuff could come to light and cost you a fortune.
Just take the reciept for the engine to VIC Roads for an inspection and change the papers.
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have you looked into pausing the rego for the time while its off the road? Not sure if its even possible but its worth asking
The man speaketh the truth! it's only like 7 months refund you'll get, which is only a few hundred at best (i've cancelled rego before) you only get a % of the totall amount that you pay when you pay rego back, cause some of the rego fee is taxes and what not.
it' would be so much easier to keep it, and once you get a new engine in, you just have to fill out a form and have the new numbers sighted at Vicroads, and so much less stress cause you dont need to get a roady.
no matter how much you *think* the car is in RWC unless you're a mechanic that does RWC, you're probably wrong (not having a go, thats just the way it is)
+ 1 keep it registered.
The process for 'blue slipping' an unregistered car is costly and time consuming.
For the sake of a few hundred dollars, you're better off keeping the car covered by it's current rego.
Once the work is done you take the new engne number to Vic Roads and get them to add it to their database.
In NSW the blue slip is only $40 - $50 from memory, it's more a question of how closely they check the vehicle and what they find. Technically it's a far more thorough check than a pink slip, in reality... depends where you go
Having said all that, considering what you'd be likely to get back on half a rego vs the cost and trouble of getting a full inspection done it's much simpler to keep the rego up.
In other news, look at your insurance and change it to laid up cover to save a few $$ while still keeping your car insured.
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Okay, that's the input I was after. I will hold onto the rego for now.
I know it's only a percentage of return, which is a few hundred. But I'm pretty desperate for cash!
Thanks guys.