Hi Guys..........
I have a 1996 mk3 2L auto Golf with only 107ks................
Prob.........sometimes while waiting for the traffic lights to change (with the foot on the brake), the engine will hesitate/flutter/start to stall/stop/cut out (best way I can descibe the symptom) and then just picks up revs again as though nothing happened.
The same hesitancy/flutter also occurs sometimes when cruising down the highway at 100ks.
Anybody have any ideas, answers or solutions??
ok my answer is pretty much gonna say the same thing.
i used to have a 95 2.0 and occasionally while i was driving Peggy Sue (that was her name) would either sputter and sould like she was dying a terrible death or drop revs to 0 and the oil light would come on, then she'd start up again cos i was still in gear and moving, then everything would be fine. she also wouldnt rev past 5000rpm. i started to do some research and figured out it was SOMETHING to do with the crank angle sender or hall sender ( i cant remember if they were the same thing of not.) im talkin about the sensor that sits on the side of the distributor. the problem would go away for a while if i deleted the fault (i have access to a diagnostic computer) to do with the hall sender ( no not the fault that comes up when the ignition is on but engine not running).
but to be honest i never bothered to get to the bottom of it cos i went with some VR6 goodness wooooooo!