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Thread: Golf 3 vs. iron pole

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Oslo, Norway
    Users Country Flag

    Golf 3 vs. iron pole

    Well, it got really slippery last Monday here in Oslo. The city pays well for salting the road, and so, it's salted no matter how cold or snowy. Due to a taxi stopping for no reason (customer the other way, maybe) and turning around, I had to head for the side of the road as not to hit his rear. The insureres are strict about this; whoever is hit from behind get away for free. As soon as I was off the road, I went into half a metre deep snow and a got a leftward drift I was unable to correct but slightly before slamming the right side front passenger door into lightpole pretty much sideways, guesstimated at 25 mph. The result you see in the pictures. The car was drivable afterwards, I couldn't notice any difference from before, and I've even driven it a few miles since. From the outside, the middle beam that holds up the roof is slightly shiftet inwards, and the canal on the right bottom side is somewhat bent. All the doors open and close, though, and the heading of the car is a slight leftwards when letting go of the steerig wheel, as it was before. The left hind wheel now stands at a ten degree inwards (frontal plane) tilt; it seems the hind carriage is bent on that side. Now what do you guys think? Is it worth holding on to the car? I'll do as much as possible myself; low skill and strong will.

    Golf 3 vs. iron pole-2014_01_27_23_14_33-jpg
    Golf 3 vs. iron pole-2014_01_27_23_41_24-jpg
    Golf 3 vs. iron pole-2014_01_27_23_41_33-jpg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    prospect, SA
    Users Country Flag
    ****ty deal, sorry for the bad news

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria

    Depends what mk3s are worth n Norway, in aus I'd say jut move it if its a base model as you can pick them up cheap


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