High 12
So you done low 12's in a vr6 with different ratios and a LSD?
High 12
Im trying to upload the vid of the run,
not to sure why its not working??
Is it on youtube ?
If both engines are identical then yes a manual will beat an auto . The Auto naturally uses more energy to transfer power to the wheels , but , it can also handle more abuse than a manual . The comparison between a manual and an auto is like comparing a 12V VR6 engine that you can rev to 6000rpm and a 24V engine that revs to 3000rpm and saying the 12V is a better engine ! The Auto will handle more power in stock form than a manual hands down . Its just it uses more power in order to do so . I just dont see the point in all these manual conversions when you have a strong gearbox to begin with !
Bug_racer supports the rebellion of the euro revolution
Not suprised with blowing the box , they arent exactly strong stock
I call B/S on having a turbo VR6 , its not exactly a simple thing to do . And 12s would mean youve done the axles as well cause heaps of guys have blown CVs that only run 14s , although that only happens with manuals as autos dont put the same shock through the drivetrain .
Bug_racer supports the rebellion of the euro revolution