Unfortunate; but funny.
Took me a total of 3 hours in Bathurst to get defected. Gawd damnittt
Unfortunate; but funny.
easy fix though!
So car is being sold and i'm picking up something 4 door.
Want anything hit me up, already have buyer for car doesn't want most of the stuff on it though.
:O what a shame! Still, I couldn't live without my 4dr. You're still get a golf right??
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
so this stupid pos doesn't want to leave.
Due to uni costing to much i can't afford to buy a worthy replace to my car.
Going to get coils rebuilt, vr exhaust. Then save possible go proper low again..
Thata boy!
man those ssr's looked so damn good![]()