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Thread: Dylan's MK3 Golf build

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
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    I'd just replace the cv's. Unless you really want to do it yourself. It can get very messy around the driveshafts. Cv's are fairly cheap anyway. And with both of them replaced its one less thing that will wear out in the near future.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Red9N3gti View Post
    I'd just replace the cv's. Unless you really want to do it yourself. It can get very messy around the driveshafts. Cv's are fairly cheap anyway. And with both of them replaced its one less thing that will wear out in the near future.
    Yeah that's what I'm doing. My car is in for repairs at a European car mechanic in Parramatta. She's getting two new CV shafts put in. Can't wait to have her back! I'm driving around in a Subaru until she's fixed

    So my current to-do list is as follows;

    - Suede headliner
    - JOM coilovers
    - Rolled/Pumped guards
    - Vento front lip
    - New wheels (Unsure of style/brand/dimensions etc)
    - White parkers (Headlights/Numberplate)
    - FOG lights
    - Possible new headlight style? (Need help with this!!)
    - Metallic gunmetal respray

    So yeah! Tune in people !

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by DylanMK3 View Post
    New wheels (Unsure of style/brand/dimensions etc)
    Buy a set of buggered RS's and rebuild them always a winner

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by drucejnr View Post
    Buy a set of buggered RS's and rebuild them always a winner
    Could do that but the chances of finding some would suck hey? ^_^

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Central Coast, NSW
    Paint looks good... why respray it?

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by DylanMK3 View Post
    Could do that but the chances of finding some would suck hey? ^_^
    not really man. Go on Import monster, find some 15's in 4x114.3 that are rusty af and don't have caps, get them sent over, dump another 500-800 in getting them redrilled/making them look pretty/stepping them up to 16's, put em on, lower your car, step 4 = profit
    Last edited by drucejnr; 06-08-2014 at 10:47 PM.

  7. #27
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    Damn, I blew a cv at the track before and I can tell you that the cost of the tow home was lovely.... haha... How even did they come out though!? incompetent mechanics you'd have to assume

    if you do the head liner, you'll have to do all the pillars so they match ;P haha

    get your google on with the wheels choice, just make sure they're legit , lol

    Also if the headlights are good, just "joey" them, super easy and makes a huge difference

  8. #28
    Cars fixed and back on the road! Ended up getting a crap job done. Asked the mechanics to replace the CV, they pulled it out, and 'replaced' it. Drove 10 minutes from the shop and it broke again. So ended up going to a new mechanic where they pulled it apart and told me that the previous mechanics just pulled the shaft out, cleaned it and resprayed it then put it back in and told me it was a brand new part. Reason he knew they did this was the paint was still wet! It was leaving marks on his hand lol. So were fighting the previous mechanics through the MTA and going to get my money back.

    Anyway! She's back on the road and running great! I had my new mechanic do a look over the car and found a few problems.

    - Needs new brake pads (may need to be machined)

    - Both rear wheel bearings are on their way out.
    - Needs new engine mounts because they're super super soft.

    So that's my current to do list on the asap.

    Also, trying to look into launch control/2 step for it. Just trying to find if it's possible, so has anyone heard if it's possible to do on a GL?

    There's my update, thanks for reading

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Wotbox for mang control.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    jesus, you've had all the luck so far.... haha

    and you could do all that stuff by yourself/at home on the cheap man. nothing like a bit of hands on and also ensures you know that's it's been done right.....

    Can I ask why you want launch control on a stock gl?

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