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Thread: "Deport" VR6 Build!

  1. #11
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    Havent really updated this but... Good news.
    Just bought myself some CX racing coilovers, they should be here in a few weeks
    Car is going into budget exhaust tomorrow to get an entire new system and probably de-cat and all that nice stuff too.
    Saving up for some new rims.
    And a Euro plate soon!
    All coming along nicely.
    Last edited by AKA VR6; 24-09-2014 at 11:07 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    "Deport" VR6 Build!-qrx53ev-jpg

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    going to look nice lowered.
    Past - '95 VW Golf MK3 VR6
    Present - '11 Ford Focus LW Diesel (PSA DW10C)

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by AKA VR6 View Post
    "Deport" VR6 Build!-qrx53ev-jpg
    Nice shot

  5. #15
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    "Deport" VR6 Build!-8bhveqm-jpg "Deport" VR6 Build!-gg05cls-jpg

    Got my car back from Budget Exhaust today. Had some suitcase mufflers removed as well as a hot-dog and a new stainless steel pipe.
    HKS muffler. Bit disappointed i got single pipe not dual, but im getting used to it.

    Its loud... too loud actually. Ive ordered some dynamat for the inside of the car because it actually numbs your ears when accelerating. "br0 keep it lyk dat or 3lse its not a rACECAR!!!"
    It sounds great from the outside but inside is just unbearable. Also it accelerates so much faster now. Like somuch faster, its crazy.

    Ill upload a take off video some time in the next few days!

    To come:
    Cobra Sport Lowering Springs 60mm - I cancelled getting coilovers as i found out sure, they arent illegal, but i just cant get it re-rego'd with them on and its not worth the hassle in my opinion, as i wont be changing the height much anyway.
    Deep Euro Lip (just ordering one tonight of ECS) - Cheep but cheery mod
    And as far as the car goes, i think that will be all im doing to it for a bit. It rides really nicely and the paintwork is mint, hopefully soon it will be show condition

  6. #16
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    1 pipe will look good, different to what most people have.

    Keep it up mate

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    yeh rate the single tip, looks good! (coming from twin ends myself)

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Melbourne VIC
    HKS broooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    #needsmoreflappermod oh wait...

    Haha nah, good work man and keep it up! Slow and steady really gets things done. And a cup kit would be ace because cheapie coil overs are harsh on the arse.

  10. #20
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    Alright, needing some help here guys...
    I'm really really confused about certain types of springs and the different options and things they're saying you need.

    (This will be a long post as im posting links)

    VW Golf 3 VR6 year 11.91> FK HIGH-TEC SPRINGS Lowering Fr35/Rr40mm

    These springs in my eyes look perfect... Lowers to the perfect amount, a pretty good price, and dont say i need anything else. Although in the title it says 11.91>
    Does that mean any year model above 91?
    Would these springs need any other things or could i chuck these straight on my current struts?

    Volkswagen Golf III (1H1) 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.0 GTI, 2.8 VR6, 1.9 SDI, 1.9 D, 1.9 TD/GT, 1.9 TDI From Years: 09.94 - 09.97 Eibach PRO KIT SPRINGS Lowers car by: Front: 30 mm / Rear: 30 mm

    These look great but say i need a retrofit with sport springs... Why wouldn't i need that with the first link (springs)?

    VOLKSWAGEN GOLF MK3,VENTO VR6 (1HXO) From Years: 91>95 PI LOWERING SPRINGS Lowers Car by: 35mm

    These state 80mm Pigtail Front Springs are needed. Again, do the first and second link not need this? And why does it say only later models?

    Sorry if this is all stupid questions or i look like a total n00b but im seriously confused.

    My current springs and struts were replaced about 10,000kms ago so i dont really wanna be throwing money away to buy new ones... Plus as a student my budget is low. I know im gonna get people saying "dont do it if you cant afford it"but​to be honest if my rides a bit harder it doesnt really bother me.

    Also, my car was purchased as a 94' model but next to the VIN it says it was built in 95'. Which should i go by?

    Any help will be appreciated, thank you!!

    (by the way if it helps, im mostly interested in the first link, i just need to know if i need any other things and if it will even fit on my VR)

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