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Thread: Damn Headlining

  1. #31
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    I'm getting my headliner and door cards done in MK4 GTi headliner sponge/fabric as well as all the beige interior trims (including handles, sun-visors etc) dyed black for $300 next week. I was really close to doing it myself but when I heard the price I couldn't resist

    I'll do before and after shots as well once its done

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Houso View Post
    I'm getting my headliner and door cards done in MK4 GTi headliner sponge/fabric as well as all the beige interior trims (including handles, sun-visors etc) dyed black for $300 next week. I was really close to doing it myself but when I heard the price I couldn't resist

    I'll do before and after shots as well once its done
    Who are you using let me know thats a really awesome price and would be keen to use them
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigitt View Post

    When looking for material you need something 118 cm wide or greater.
    Alot of good prints at Spolight are only 112cm wide and possible not wide enough. The widest cloth covering part is between the front seat grab handles. Material needs to go into the bumps and dont forget you should have some to wrap around the edges - but if your keen you do not need to as the trim does cover about 10-15mm of the headliner sides. 112cm wide material is cutting it pretty fine but might be do'able.

    You will need about 2m in length, more if you have to cover a sunroof.

    You can get the 3m High Strength 90 Spray Adheasive from TOTAL Fastener You can only get it from Industrial suppliers... so no Bunnings or Auto Parts stores.
    RRP $29 /can

    I'm doing my headliner right now and found to clean the bad foam off the headliner board it was quicker and easier to use a cordless drill and a small Finishing mixed Flap wheel (Sandpaper and Scotchbrite sandwich bought at K-Mart).
    Thanks for the tips! The spray adhesives from Bunnings are crap as!

  4. #34
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    Use the Contact dhesive in a tin and use a cheapo brush that you can throw away.
    So much cheaper and easier than the crappy spray adhesives.
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  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by DubSteve View Post
    Who are you using let me know thats a really awesome price and would be keen to use them
    Once I get it done I'll post the results and all the details here and in recommended parts and suppliers

    Which reminds me... I oughta finish what I'm doing atm so I can get it there!

  6. #36
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    Spray adheasives are better IMHO as you get a cleaner thinner coating.
    If you use the tin contact adheasive with a brush you get an uneaven glue thickness - and this will show up in the fabric as you do not have any foam anymore to smooth the bumps out.

    As it is when you remove the old headliner, you are left with a compressed cardboard shell, and the headliner side does have a very thin hard coating. There are imperfection in the board especially creases around the grab handle reccesses. These DO show up when you use straight fabric as a headliner so contact adheasive will be just the same.

    I sanded down the creases a bit with 80grit sandpaper before attempting the hardest thing ever to do - glueing it down and trying to get the material to stick in the reccesses - what a PITA!!!

    Here is my headliner I just put back in the car today:

    You can see the creases in the top left handle reccess

    All Done
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  7. #37
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    VERY NICE! Love the blue.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  8. #38
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    Very nice mate, I like it

    I gotta have a go at this soon, prolly do it in the same micro fibre suade as I did my door trims.

    Slightly off topic, have you got any pics or more info as to how you mounted your seats? Im putting a pair of Recaros in my car soon but kinda unsure about the whole mounting part. Thanks

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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorenz View Post
    I gotta have a go at this soon
    Considering how cheap and [relatively] easy this is I'm tempted to re-do mine

    I'm actually wondering if I put another layer of similar material over what I have if it will stick well enough and give it a little extra "padded" feel.

    ...damn, now you have me thinking again...

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  10. #40
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    Yeh sweet work dude. lovin that my tutorial is workin some magic DIY FTW!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lorenz View Post
    I gotta have a go at this soon, prolly do it in the same micro fibre suade as I did my door trims.
    i just did my lower door trim in cream micro suede also so i'm looking at other parts to do now and the roof and pillars are looking tempting.

    My ma is has sweet quilting skills so I might get her to do that diamond pattern on it that you see on some interiors. I'll take pics on the weekend

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