I don't know that green sounds right at all...
As for coming out, it will burp itself as needed, how much are you talking about??
so i finally got around to putting coolant in my car today. all was going well, i ran it with the heater on for around 25mins, no problems but as soon as the temp gauge got to the middle, coolant start to come out of the expansion tank.. is this normal? ive never changed coolant before. i was using the G12 ++, it went in transparent pink, but when i turned it off and let it cool down its now milky green?
do i need to flush it? and if so is there a release valve on the radiator. i havent had a chance to jack it up and look yet.
95' golf VR6
I don't know that green sounds right at all...
As for coming out, it will burp itself as needed, how much are you talking about??
If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit
arh ill have to have a closer look tomor about the green, not so much green but very pale milky.
anyway it seems to be coming from the side of the tank, where the black side area saying G11 is, fair amount ill give it another run tomorrow and see if the same amount is coming outand let you know. may have been overfilled
95' golf VR6
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Yeh i had a feeling thr guy before me didnt use the good stuff, also i found out the real reason blutak was invented... For vr6 owners to get that bloody crack pipe screw back in.
iirc g12++ does not like to be mixed with other coolants at all and so it might be a good idea to flush it all properly and fill up again (although there goes like $60 of new coolant)
I have heard green + pink = brown sludge...
If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit
Yeh someone must of done that cause it was a sludge colour. Alsomy heaters disconnected is putting ac on a fair alternative?
My bad brain snap moment to much grog still in my system when i posted that.