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Thread: CL/GL Front Spoiler

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Adelaide, SA
    Users Country Flag

    CL/GL Front Spoiler

    The front spoiler on the CL has looked very second hand since we bought it over 18 months ago. I had a quote from the Dealer for a new one (both halves) at about $200, so, finally I ordered one as the CL will go to DOVW in Melb. next month.

    Quoted $239 and went the next week to pick it up. When they retrieved it, it turned out to be a VR6 spoiler, so I told them I didn't want a VR6, but a CL.

    They delivered it to my home a few days later, and a few days after that I noticed on the invoice we were charged $103. Now, I like a discount, but over 50%! I don't want to burn my relationship there, so yesterday I rang, and they confirmed the CL/GL spoiler is that price, over $130 cheaper than the VR6! Incredible!!

    So far this month I have bought the spoiler, had the windows tinted dark, and a new CD player installed - ready for the Interstate run to Melb.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Users Country Flag

    Nice work there Maris cool dude

    To think that you can buy vr6 spoilers on ebay for $120 delivered
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...


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