Yep, the cruise control also uses a vacuum system as does the re-circulate flap for the AC system... guess what parts are on the commonly broken list?
The AC flap can be fixed with a relatively quick and easy work around (which still uses the air system), the central locking can be done with cheap actuators, the cruise... well... most people don't try and fix it. It's a shame that since all we are talking is accelerator control that no-one has built an electric motor/actuator to pull the throttle cable (like conventional systems) or even a software hack to electronically control the throttle body (assuming it can be control to open far enough).
When it comes to fixing your system it's worth a poke around the door lock assembly and the pump assembly as there is a good chance one of the joints is gone. After that your left with the lines themselves under the carpet...
As for 'working pump'... Anyone know if when they go they stop entirely or if they 'slow down'? Just wondering if while it's making noise it's actually still good or not?