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Thread: Car won't start, oil indicator light flashing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Users Country Flag

    Car won't start, oil indicator light flashing

    After fixing a dud window regulator and checking fluids etc, went to start car and just didn't want to start. Checked fuel pump fuse - OK. Oil indicator light flashing but there is enough oil. Any ideas?


  2. #2
    Guest0608 Guest
    oil light will flash after cranking for a while as its not building up pressure........check all the fuses not just the ones labled with stuff like "fuel pump" as some fuses are linked with stuff weird like cig lighter etc, so check all fuses first and then back step and recheck your window reg work........vwtech........

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
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    Thanks- fuses and work checked - all in order. Reading other forums, dud relays (no 40 - ECU, in particular) appears to cause similar problems - what do you think?
    Something else which I've just noticed, is on withdrawing the dipstick there was a small piece (about pinhead + size) of what appears to be hard tan/ brown plasticky materiel stuck to it. This happened twice now and I was wondering if there is an oil pressure sensor or something similar that may have failed/ disintegrated internally?

    Grateful for your ideas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Camden, Sydney
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    The light flashes until the engine starts that is normal. If it keeps flashing when the car is running, there is a problem.

    I reckon you knocked a wire off the coil or starter in your tinkering and thats why it wont start.
    Does it crank over??? If yes, check the coil, if no, ignition switch.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Thanks - no wires knocked off because I wasn't working in the engine bay. I can't hear the fuel pump working (fuse is OK) so perhaps its the relay?


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