I have a 2001 Cabriolet 2.0L AGG engine that lost power on the motorway on a hot day. No warning lights came on. Tried to start, it fired then chugged and stalled, this happened a few times. Then no fire at all, car was towed home. I replaced the crank position sensor and ecu relay, but still no spark. There is 12v on the ignition coil 3 pin connector, but nothing on the middle signal wire when cranking! I used an led light tester that lit up on the signal wire years ago when the coil died.
when cranking the tachometer reads 200 rpm so from reading threads on this forum the new crank position sensor is fine.
i can hear the fuel pump prime when first opening the door, also check the voltage and resistance on the pump. Also loosened the fuel flow pipe clamp on the pump and fuel leaked so pump looks ok.
When I crank the engine the tach moves to 200 rpm - disconnect the crank sensor and no tach reading - so sensor is good!
I have a Vgate scanner that shows no engine faults but did show an immobiliser fault code 01314 kwp1281 engine control module . Sporadic - not authorised
I have a cheap vag-com cable and VCDS lite which shows no engine or immobiliser faults!
I disconnected the battery to clear ecu and charged it to show 13.3v, but still no spark. Could it be the immobiliser faulty?
The car was running well before this. What else can I check?
Update: it turned out to be a faulty ignition coil.
My first test of the signal wire pin 2 to the coil was wrong I had my led tester to earth instead of 12v.
Making this stupid mistake cost me a crank sensor and an ignition relay - at least they are new!!!