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Thread: BrownTowns Two Point O's

  1. #1
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    BrownTowns Two Point O's

    Hey guys,
    I'm gonna be starting a build thread / question thread so welcome.
    My names BrownTown and I got a 1997 Mk3 2.0 Manual Golf for my first car. It was in very rough shape from two previous owners but had less than 130k on the clock and was a great learner car. After a Timing belt and gear sloppy change done by Jmac (great mechanic who knows heaps, helped me out on more then 1 occasion) I finished my L's and got my P's in March.
    After the basic small mods while on my L's such as a sound system and stickers, I decided to go all out and buy a project I probably will have a lot of fun with while having no idea what I'm doing but so here it goes.

    I bought the car with my Dad back in March 2014, This being the only Manual car in a household of Automatics.
    Here is it when I brought it home back in 2014.

    Paint Peeling Off the bonnet and roof

    Rear end of the car, Somehow the most attractive part with paint

    After I hit my P's and got the most Typical job at a McDonalds I started to save up some cash and eventually somehow bought another Golf Today.

    This one is a 1998 2.0 Automatic in White which I got from xtFalcon. It only has 180k but has a blown auto gearbox but engine did run (until he removed a sensor and starter motor, the rest is still there and for sale). It's alot of money for a 17 year old.
    It's got a couple goodies but what drew me to it the most was COILOVERS!

    It's sitting on coils in the front and on pieces of wood in the back.

    These are the rear Marcony Coilovers I got with the car, Rebound, Height and Preload adjustable.

    It also came with some alright looking mags and a couple other goodies such as a clean interior, heaps of spare parts and HID headlights (for sale).

    A Full surround that isn't cracked! It only has a broken screwhole but it's almost fully intact.

    I will slowly update this post with what I want to achieve with this car and my progress.

    Also to try and get some cash, I will be looking to part some things out with the car so if your in need of anything from a MK3 send me a PM and I can tell you if I have it, I'll start a post on the Parts for Sale area soon.

    Looking foward to meeting some of you guys from up here in Brissie, Once I think my car is of show quality then I'll maybe come to a couple meets but for now it's just a mess of peeling paint.

    List of what's to come / what I wish to do
    -Fog lights
    -Currently looking to buy 15x8 steelies (generic I know but I love the look of them)
    -Something with the spare fenders, Rusted/Mangabomb/Multicoloured

    Cheers for Reading about my new Project.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BrownTowns Two Point O's-a4wszxz-jpg   BrownTowns Two Point O's-n4tj5do-jpg  

    BrownTowns Two Point O's-fahbxmo-jpg   BrownTowns Two Point O's-upp7ipm-jpg  

    BrownTowns Two Point O's-jlw47wh-jpg   BrownTowns Two Point O's-glnwyss-jpg  

    BrownTowns Two Point O's-rxspfgn-jpg   BrownTowns Two Point O's-fo7zgsi-jpg  

    Mk3 2.0. Mk3 VR6 CC. Future Mk2?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    2.0L, green and peely, just like mine. Look forward to seeing what you do.

    If you get new wheels and want to sell your stockies I'd love them. I'm in bris as well.

  3. #3
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    Started with some small mods, I found some smoked indicator reflectors in the boot so put them on.

    End product, was looking into keeping the tow took but decided on the reflector to save mine and others shins.
    Coil overs are coming out tomorrow afternoon when I borrow some jacks and they should be going in this weekend with a wheel alignment, Then to start saving for my wheels.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BrownTowns Two Point O's-we3az9m-jpg   BrownTowns Two Point O's-y2pm2k4-jpg  

    BrownTowns Two Point O's-wjg34uv-jpg  
    Mk3 2.0. Mk3 VR6 CC. Future Mk2?

  4. #4
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    beej89 is wanting to swap his alloys for a set of stockies if you're keen?? I'm going to swap him some I have just to help him out but if you want his alloys then you'd be better off doing the swap!

    Bruce's Mk3 Cabrio

    seems like the white one is in better shape too? you should transfer your box and/or engine into it?

  5. #5
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    Long time, no Update.
    I got my coil overs in + other wheels on and have slowly been disassembling the white golf. This week or so I should be able to post my for sale post on the Parts for Sale Thread.

    How she sat the morning before we put the coilovers in.

    Heres show she currently sits, Still needs some more spring adjustments and a wheel alignment.

    I also installed a Stubby Antenna from the White golf and the smoked side indicators. My next job would probably be setting up some running lights / fog lights, Anyone ever used old indicator housing to create running lights? I want to setup running lights in the position of the fogs. Cheers
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BrownTowns Two Point O's-rouflkx-jpg   BrownTowns Two Point O's-p0oonvp-jpg  

    BrownTowns Two Point O's-pxfqhpe-jpg  
    Mk3 2.0. Mk3 VR6 CC. Future Mk2?

  6. #6
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    Still sitting low at about 115mm all round, she rides perfect still but I've got a unnerving rattling coming from the front right hand wheel so might have to chuck the stockies back on and replace any parts I might have broken.
    Not sure what to do for the paint, It's gotten really badly lately so might have to either bite the bullet and pay for the respray or DIY on the cheap and use the white car as a base for a at home respray.
    Still unsure if this is the car I want to continue with, getting tempted with possibility of new wheels and a good respray but want to move onto something turbo like a A3 or a VR6.
    Got some small plans such as changing the cluster bulbs and finding some cheap foglights for the looks.
    Depending if it looks good with the stockies, might buy some spacers to give the wheels a much better filled look for the arches.
    Mk3 2.0. Mk3 VR6 CC. Future Mk2?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    go the vr6

  8. #8
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    Got a fair bit done today, lots of just little things + some bit things.
    Fixed the headlining by swapping out the one from the parts car, The difference is insane and how it's transformed the inside completely. (Thanks Alan!)

    I also washed, vacuumed and cleaned the whole car inside and out. Also hit it with another batch of linseed oil which seems to work really well, Lasted quite a while with only the spoiler fading. This is probably as good as it's gonna look with the paint peeling, Starting to dislike these wheels more and more though.

    And finally just as I was packing up I remember I removed the chin spoiler/splitter about 10 months ago cause I hated the way it looked with the car sitting high. Pulled it out of the garage and hasn't the height made a difference.
    Mk3 2.0. Mk3 VR6 CC. Future Mk2?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
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    duckbill lips look way better imo

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juzzpc View Post
    duckbill lips look way better imo
    That is a duckbill lip tho

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