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Thread: Billy's Mk3 GL Daily.

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ByronRichesMk1 View Post
    So keen for you to get those wheels finished for DOVW man.
    Also, I can attest to how damn clean Billy's Mk3 is. It's silly shmick!
    Thanks mate! Your the best <3 ahahaha
    1990 Mk2 GTI 20vt - @mk2.20vt

  2. #12
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    Got the tyres off today! Starting to strip down the wheels now

    Also brought the lip back to life a bit with some heat gun fun!

    1990 Mk2 GTI 20vt - @mk2.20vt

  3. #13
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    Test fitted the new wheels today, can't wait to get them refurbished and wider barrels.

    My helper for the day aha

    1990 Mk2 GTI 20vt - @mk2.20vt

  4. #14
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    I really need to update this more but I haven't been doing a lot with the car recently, I've spent most of my days working on its wheels!

    Here's the lips I've been polishing up, these are up for sale to fund some new wider lips and barrels.

    I am going to be prepping the centres over the next couple of days too so I can get then ready for paint!

    Spent a little time too working out the exact measurements, by the end we should be looking at 16x8 et12 fronts that poke 0.7mm and 16x9 et12 rears and poke around 3.7mm. Fitment should be beautiful!

    Also might be getting my hands on some new cams and lifter (thanks to Byron aka ByronRichesMk1) so I'm excited for that, I might also be picking up a set of Volk CV-Pro for the Moterex cruise for charity at the end of this month (this is still a maybe though)

    I will update again when I get **** done
    1990 Mk2 GTI 20vt - @mk2.20vt

  5. #15
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    Well I sold off the Simmons lips and barrels a few days ago.

    And I bought these as my temporary rollers!

    Volk GRC's

    Gunna run some meaty tyres for some that Motorsport look

    My parents also purchased my birthday present today! Don't get it till November but I can't wait. New plates for me!

    Can't wait for cruise for charity on the 27th of October!
    1990 Mk2 GTI 20vt - @mk2.20vt

  6. #16
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    I hope i'm up in Perth when they arrive so I can come around and help fit them up.
    1976 VW Golf "Swallowtail" - Rallye Red (long term resto)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Jones View Post
    You take corners on three wheels, and V8's can't catch you.

  7. #17
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    My Volk GRCs finally arrived today
    Pretty decent condition with fully resprayed centres.

    16x7 fronts and 16x8 rears!

    Got all excited and went to test fit them this afternoon but I need new studs :/ the oem studs are way too short and dont even really fit in the holes so I'm heading down to coventrys tomorrow to see if they can hook me with new bolts!
    If that doesn't go to plan I'm thinking of doing a conversion to bolts and nuts. Looks pretty simple (Can be seen here so that might be the way too go if I want these Volks to work, need hub centric rings too.

    Also getting tyres in a couple of days, I really wanna run 165/40 fronts and 185/40 rears but those tyres are impossible to find -_- so I'm gunna settle for 195/45 fronts and rears. Either the elcheapo 'hyflys' for $109 a corner or maybe some Falken ze912's for $140 a corner.

    Either way, picks will be up when the wheels are mounted! Can't wait.
    1990 Mk2 GTI 20vt - @mk2.20vt

  8. #18
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    Spent ages trying to find wheel studs today but got lucky at swan tyres in Osborne park. They had some studs that worked with the Volks, was easier than changing to nuts I suppose.

    I then rushed back to a mates place to do a little test fitting

    There's one problem though...
    I can't even get my fingers between the barrel and the strut aha but hey clearance is clearance!

    I'm almost 99% sure I need spacers, I will find out in a few days but I don't think a 195/45 front is gunna clear those locking nuts. Should be fine on the rear though.
    I'm also not sure if the calipers touch the centers...

    But either way I'm chuffed with the results hopefully I can get some pictures at motorex.
    1990 Mk2 GTI 20vt - @mk2.20vt

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Looks rad! Looks like you've got plenty of room, in terms of wheel to fender, to run spacers. Can always cut out the helpers too

    "I only post on Facebook if I know i am going to get likes" - M

  10. #20
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    This is looking pretty sweet dude! Motivating me and reminding me to get off my arse and redrill my wheels already!!

    Sent from my oven mitt fighting Blorgons.

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