I'd say try stuff called "forever black" on the trims, i used it and shoepolish and it just came up so much better with the forever black.
Cheap performance things... do the "swiss cheese airbox" bod, thats free. Could throw a K&N panel air filter in which is like $100, but really doesnt make much difference over the stock paper one (unless its old and dirty). Cutting up the airbox makes a noticable difference
A full exhaust should only be a few hundred dollars as someone else said. Probably wont make a whole heap more power but will definately sound the partCould just have the middle "suitcase" muffler cut out and replaced with a bit of pipe if you want to keep it even cheaper (where i had it done i think i payed probably a little too much, like $120 or something, other people say theyve had theres done for like 70) and that makes the vr6 sound beastly
Not really sure what else you can do cheaply to add some power to the vr6 without porting and polishing things and doing cams ect.