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Thread: best mods for performance on a VR6?

  1. #11
    ozbmx Guest

    Quote Originally Posted by Lorenz View Post
    Kiwi shoe polish
    brilliant, cheers!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I'd say try stuff called "forever black" on the trims, i used it and shoepolish and it just came up so much better with the forever black.

    Cheap performance things... do the "swiss cheese airbox" bod, thats free. Could throw a K&N panel air filter in which is like $100, but really doesnt make much difference over the stock paper one (unless its old and dirty). Cutting up the airbox makes a noticable difference

    A full exhaust should only be a few hundred dollars as someone else said. Probably wont make a whole heap more power but will definately sound the part Could just have the middle "suitcase" muffler cut out and replaced with a bit of pipe if you want to keep it even cheaper (where i had it done i think i payed probably a little too much, like $120 or something, other people say theyve had theres done for like 70) and that makes the vr6 sound beastly

    Not really sure what else you can do cheaply to add some power to the vr6 without porting and polishing things and doing cams ect.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    I've used kiwi shoe polish (make sure you get the one with teh applicator pad on the top of it already) ad it worked great, make sure the surface is clean and dry (and without and previous silicone etc on it) and it'll work just fine. best to do it on a warm, but not super hot day. It gives long lasting results and is a TRUCK load cheaper (and longer lasting too) than forever black. But that's just my 2 cents

    Apart from that, decent exhaust and siwss cheese airbox are always good! Power increase wont be huge, but it's worth it for the sound!

    i like volkswagens
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  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    idk how shoe polish would last longer then forever black but whatever, maybe i used the polish wrong haha. Either way bringing grey plastics back to black makes all the difference.

    Anyway this is what mine sounds like "suitcaseless"

    But yeah, I'd just cut the airbox up, either remove suitcase or get a cheap exhaust and spend the rest on some maintenance/coilovers/wheels.

  5. #15
    ozbmx Guest
    i was close to buying the heavily modded VR6 in brisbane but my girlfriend went and purchased a holden barina - freezing my funds until my insurance money came through... i got a cheap stock (besides the suspension) VR6 - im going to be picking it up on tuesday! woot!

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Kilsyth, VIC
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    Here's another one for you, my VR6 2.5" mild steel, two resonators and a lukey muffler. I went 2.5" because I have been planning for forced induction for a while now

    As for power mods your after exhaust and intake your left with port and polish and/or forced induction. You *can* get a chip but talk around the camp fire says single digit power gains.
    Last edited by The_Hawk; 28-01-2011 at 01:58 PM.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
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    i would say 2.5 inch is the best for a vr6
    get a 2.5 inch cat too it would make worlds of difference with it

  8. #18
    ozbmx Guest
    ok so what do you think of stainless steel extractors? is there a preference in style or brand that works well?

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    extractors do next to nothing for performance for the vr6 apparently. a waste of cash unless you want a bit more noise and want something pretty there.

  10. #20
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    this is what you want if you want to spend the cash almost a grand US but you will make a guaranteed 10-12 hp

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