Yeah I've read they handle pretty good as long as its a 4 way not front and back, which make body roll even worse. And realistically I doubt I'll really get on the track much anyway, going to be moving to brisbane and starting uni full time next year so not going to have the money
I'll reveal further details when they get here, nothing overly special though. Still, should let me lay out after a couple notches etc
Got to leave work half an hour early at 4:30 yesterday so thought I'd give the car a little service while there was light, so new oil, oil filter and spark plugs. Is running very nicely now
Today, with all the christmas shopping done and the girlfriend working all day, I wandered into the garage and the BFI stage one mounts from my old vr6 caught my eye. A tip for all of you with 1.8s (and probably 2.0s too)... Stage one mounts are an AWFUL idea. Not only did it take me most of the day and made me incredibly frustrated (where as they were a 30 minute straight forward job on the vr6...) due to the transmission mount not wanting to come out until I dropped the subframe, which then ofcourse did not want to line back up and then stripped the bolts for it, but the car now vibrates like nothing else. Its insane. In the vr6 I noticed very little added vibrations, but in the little 1.8 the whole car viloently shakes at idle, and continues to rattle badly right up to about 4k rpm. Granted gear shifts are much nicer now, but at an extreme cost. Ohwell. Actually makes me giggle a bit its that bad, you can hear the engine through the entire car now, its almost louder in the car then my vr6 with its noisy exhaust was, and this has a standard exhaust!
A random photo to keep random people happy