Granted mine is only lowered an inch on springs not coils, had a rip in the seat and just put seat covers on it, only thing they got me for was my saggy roof liner, that was at Jax Tyres here in Brisbane...
96 VW VR6 Golf (Daily driver)
65 VW Beetle (Under restoration)
Yes, but once you have RWC you can keep the car for 20+ years without having to have it inspected again as long as you keep it 'registered' (starting to dislike the idea of something needing to be continually 'registered', I think it should just be called something like 'compulsory road tax' so we can stop kidding ourselves that it has anything to do with some sort of administrative registration fee).
Guess who's back?
Cheers to Ironman for the wilsons towing back run tip.
anyway, no time for details, have to race back to work!
Yes!! Sweet - so many bits to steal off that!!
VW: it aint just a car, its a way of life
There are few things more satisfying in life than finding a solution to a problem and implementing it
My Blog:
I just had an idea! Hows the passenger side front guard and the bonnet? Were they damaged in the crash? If not - I am VERY interested in buying them off you! My car is that exact colour under the rattle can paint job and all panels are straight but those ones. If I could score them off you I'll rub all the black off and go back to OG paint! The douche didn't even scotchbrite the original paint so it should be ok under there! PM me or something if your keen. My car is exactly the same colour under the black paint!
Last edited by dark; 07-10-2011 at 01:36 PM.
Man that ****ing song has been in my head since I got the call at 7 am this morning saying they would be bringing it today. Haha.
Got the thing back for an amazing price! Manheim did some damage to it though. Theres a nice sharp dent in the fender panel dark wanted that I can say with 100% certainty wasnt there after I crashed it and saw it at the tow yard. Also the under side is ****ed and stuff. From what I hear Manheim are know for treating there salvage cars like trash. Ohwell. I didnt buy it back for its body
Also have to give the biggest of big thanks ever to VW Imposter, who linked me to it the night before the auction (I had been searching for it since I crashed it but it wasn't coming up for some reason. If I didn't get the message, it would have gone to someone else never to be seen (by myself) again.
im happy to see this back in your ownership, it must of been meant to be lol
can i ask what it went for with the inflicted damage ? just curious
Polo GTI
T-Roc R
Tiguan R
Tiguan 162 Allspace Wolfsburg