I can not guarantee and donations made to myself will be tax deductible, easiest way to find out is to do it and see what happens j: haha. Not really though, I wouldn't feel right taking anyones money to buy car parts :P
To polish it up I gave it a nice thick coat of paint stripper and let it sit for a while, then scraped off what I could. Most of the paint came off the first time, but I did a second coat to get rid of whatever was left. After I got all the paint off (and painted my fingers in paint stripper (I couldn't find any gloves) which gives a lovely burning sensation, haha) cleaned it up and sanded it until it was perfectly smooth with 120 grit paper. Then worked up the grits going from the 120 to 180, 240, 320, 800, 1200 and finished with 1500, sanding with each different grit until all the marks from the previous paper were completely removed. I wet sanded with the 800, 1200 and 1500. After that I just polished it up with some mothers chrome and aluminium wheel polish or something (really not sure what its call, but its good stuff). Probably took 5 or so hours to do just one, not including the numerous breaks I had to take to keep my sanity :P