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Thread: Ben vs Mk3. Round 2.

  1. #291
    Join Date
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    Do you have drop plates dude?

    Car is looking sexy

  2. #292
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by sortofbigbj View Post
    Yeah but I sold one. Regret that now haha

    Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk 2
    haha dude that is unlucky! I ended up cable tying my reflectors to the bumper before clipping them in. hopefully the shades will stay there if they pop out.

  3. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by thestu View Post
    Do you have drop plates dude?

    Car is looking sexy
    Thanks stu, for some reason I never saw your comment hence why I never answered haha, but no, no drop plates or anything.

    Sounds like a good idea though ffoff, The kanye shades clip on pretty tightly to the reflectors so as long as you can secure them nicely you should be fine

    Not much to update on this, had another wheel alignment done the other day as it was pulling left reallly hard and eating my tyres very quickly (must have thrown something out when I disconencted the driveshafts and that to swap the clutch) and they couldn't get things in spec and pretty much told me it was becusae I was bagged and so they wouldn't give a warranty or anything. Have 3.6mm total toe up front and car still pulls left a bit although its better now than it was. Can't see why they wouldn't have been able to fix it up though?

  4. #294
    Join Date
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    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    you should be able to have your bags set at 'driving height' and then the wheel alignment set to that, I dont see that there is a problem with that..?

    I had mine done the other day. He wasn't able to get it perfect (in the time frame), and I think that's just because of the extreme angles we're putting the suspension on. I've got about 1-2mm total toe as well.

    i like volkswagens
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  5. #295
    Join Date
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    Seaforth, NSW
    Sucks about the alignment and I see you've changed your name, been tempted to change mine but I don't know what to haha
    2014 Golf GTI PP - Pure White

  6. #296
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    Yeah I set it at the driving height (which is really low) and they aligned it there, it probably is just the extreme angles that make it impossible to get quite right, although im certain the one I got last time was a lot closer to being in spec. Maybe Ive bent a tie rod or something, they probably do hit the chassis every now and then, and I was a little rough on the axles when I was trying to get them to clear things trying to get the gearbox in/out. Should see if I can find the last printout from when I had it done after swapping in the vr6 gear to compare. Either way I'm not too worried, just needed something to update with haha.

    And yeah, changed the name, have kind of outgrown the old one, was an inside joke with some friends from like grade 7 in primary school haha.

  7. #297
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    I completely missed the pic of you test fitting the BBS RS. Looks insane tucked up like that. You'll get nice fitment with the bigger lips but won't be able to go as low!!

  8. #298
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    Haha thanks yeah they look pretty awesome, is a shame I don't have a nicer camera as those photos really are pretty awful. I'm actually contemplating doing something a bit different than the original plan I had for the wheels which could see them on the car much sooner while I save for bigger lips I think I could still go pretty much as low with a little stretch poke tuck action going on, although the rear would sit around 1cm heigher, but that might not be a bad thing, would get rid of the tiny bit of reverse rake it has when its aired out.

  9. #299
    Join Date
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    Looking promising dude! With the wheel alignment thing, My car pulls to the left because the control arm is bent which has caused my castor to go out of whack. Could be a similar problem.

    Also N00b question? How do you change your name?!
    Honda Civic Owner

  10. #300
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    Thanks (: I very well could have something bent, I do drag subframe on a daily basis so it wouldnt surprise me at all. Ohwell, ill live with it for now

    As far as I know theres no way you can change your name yourself (probably for a good reason too, ive been on forums where you can just change it and things get really confusing) but I just pmed aaron (the hawk)and he did it for me which was nice, was very sick of the old one haha.

    Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk 2

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