grabs some tissues......
grabs some tissues......
96 VW VR6 Golf (Daily driver)
65 VW Beetle (Under restoration)
Turn ur GL into a VR6...3Door FTW!
If we want to get technical, its a CL. But yeah, that is the plan >![]()
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Anyway, a bit of a timeline of the wheels I have in the making up to date
Bought these on here for cheap ages ago off Spyda, and eventually they showed upA few days after writing off my old car. Hah. Great.
Absolutely filthy. This is after already giving them a quick wash to get the oil and **** off them. Suprised the old owner wouldnt have cleaned them up a tad. Ohwell, you get what you pay for!
Some sort of siliconey stuff on one of them. Figure that one out...
Mmmmmmm. Aluminum cake.
**** theres a Lot of bolts
After cleaning them up a bit by soaking them in coke for a few days (yes, those are a lot cleaner then they were)
Considered a lot of different options for the bolts, like replacing them with poloshed ones, polishing them up, ect ect. Ended up trying something a bit different. 1 piece of scrap wood, a drill and about 2 minutes of drilling random semi straight holes and I had this.
Threw them into my new professional sandblasting booth (ok maybe its just a cardboard box, a pair of sunglasses, a $20 super cheap sandblaster and a messy garage) and went at it
Then a few coats of primer, some of the (expensive) metallic mazda c6 gun metal sort of grey colour I decided I would refinish the wheels in and some clear and they came up much nicer then I was expecting. Very happy with them. Still fit in the socket and all fine too and the finish is quite tough.
Ofcourse I didn't count them before painting them, and found 1 they I had missed the other day -.- so going to have to do it all again for a single bolt.
Took a wire wheel to the barrels to clean them up after wasting hours trying to clean them up with everything else I could think of. Stripped them back to bare metal then also hit them with etch primer, paint and clear. Love the paint too, its amazing in the sun. My ****ty camera phone takes horrible photos.
Have also spent a lot of time working on the centres. Cleaned them up and stripped them back to bare metal (which is a pain in the ass. God 5 spokes would be so much easier. haha) and filed down some little chip things and filled them with a touch of body filler (how they got chipped in the first place I do not know.)
Have only got one in paint at the moment, and the other three still in primer. Still struggling to get a nice even finish on them with the spray gun I've been using and all the tiny little spokes. Still, I'm happy with them at the moment
Still a bit of work to do, paint 3 more of the centre pieces, clear coat all 4, strip the little waffle bits and paint and clear them, get them redrilled, new lips and probably new polished hex caps (becuase I cba to polish up the original ones, plus one is missing). Oh and ofcourse assembly and fitting of some lovely stretched rubber![]()
Holy crap, top marks for effort Ben!
look amazing so far!
It will be so worth all the work you have put into these wheels,I cant wait to see them done.
- VITS 2016 24th April -
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@vitsvw @vdubin_