So my hatred of this car continues to grow...
Dont think I've mentioned it in this thread yet but it has some ****ed electrical problems, fuel pump etc dont turn off when I take out the key, which drains the battery very fast, so I have to disconnect the battery every time I park, so it will hopefully start again (1/3 I still need to jump/push start it). I think it may be an ignition switch so I have a new one on the way.
Anyway today I had to drive to brisbane. Before I even got out of toowoomba the coolant light came on. I opened the tank and it spat practically all of the coolabt out. Filled it up, off I went and it seemed ok. Coolant light flashed practically the entire way, but the temperature sat right bang in the middle of the gauge so I pressed on, not having much of a choice.
When we reached brisbane traffic though the temperature would sky rocket when we werent moving.
Ideas? I'm thinking radiator fans or thermostat or a blocked radiator or something? I'd prefer not to have the head warp or something on the way home...
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