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Thread: Ben vs Mk3. Round 2.

  1. #151
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Any news ben?

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
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    Haven't done much to the car lately, am drained of money from buying bags

    Have put a fair few hours into trying to figure out the wiring for a power window conversion and am getting there slowly, its turning out to be a lot more complicated then I originally thought.

    Have also pulled more of the old car apart, pulled dash etc and all front suspension etc ready for a full refresh before being put into the new car.

    Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
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    Quote Originally Posted by sortofbigbj View Post
    Am drained of money from buying bags
    Tell me about it ! Going to share Any Details of the set up your running yet.

    Its Good to see your keeping busy on it too.

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by sortofbigbj View Post
    ...power window conversion...
    Really? Enjoy replacing window motors do you? Much better off with manuals dude!

    Although the key-in-doorlock MK3 trick is pretty awesome!

  5. #155
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    Believe it or not but my manual windows are stuffed and piss me off so much, makes the car feel old and bomby, its one thing I can't stand. In the year I had my old car I only had one regulator let go and it was easily fixed with a cable tie. I used the windows heaps too. This car il only have 2
    of them to worry about anyway so I'm sure itll be fine

    I'll share that the bags are coming from canada, and should be shipped out towards the end of december

    Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

  6. #156
    Join Date
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    Sounds like great progress. keep it up man, looking forward to some pics!

  7. #157
    Join Date
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    Hey mate I still have that tail-light sitting around too, happy to keep it aside for whenever you want it.

  8. #158
    Join Date
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    Not a great deal been done lately, took the car to lakeside raceway for the happy laps vww event a couple weeks back and it was a blast! Most fun I've had in ages. The extreme body roll and such from the stock suspension added to the fun if anything, apparently I literally got on 3 wheels!

    I would love to do a lot more time on the track and so I'm sure that might change some of the plans I originally had for this car, with more of a sporty based project instead of a low and slow cruiser. The engine really just doesnt cut it on the track, getting absolutely slaughtered by all the newer cars (albeit they were all gtis and r's ) and only barely able to pass a mk3 tdi which I doubt was being pushed anywhere nearly as hard as I was pushing this thing, it really did get a good thrashing Anyway have been motivated to get stuck into the vr6 build, and have compiled an extensive list of parts and where to get them etc, and have ordered some tools like triple square bits etc.

    Also changed over to the oem smoked vr6 tail lights and deleted the rear wiper, with a colour coded plug.

    Engine is coming apart slowly

    Noticed this before I pulled the engine out of the old car, this part was crushed badly somehow in the crash so it will need to be replaced. Getting the crank pulley bolt out was an absolute bitch, had to put a bit of wood in the block to stop the crank moving and put my entire weight on a pole about 1.75m long to get the thing to budge. Bent a decent quality socket wrench in the process. Rattle gun wouldnt do anything to it.

  9. #159
    Join Date
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    bags might suck on the track? Although I really dont know cause I have never even ridden in a car with them. Like the vr6 tails and wiper delete, very clean. Look forward to watching your engine build as well.

  10. #160
    Join Date
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    Yeah im not sure how theyll be, but I figure theyll be much better then coilovers wound right down which is how id have them. the bags should be very practical (:

    In other news, the bags are now on there way over finally

    Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

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