Well my buffer finally arrived yesterday and I had some time before work this morning so I fixed up the paint on the bumpers, which has been bugging me ever since I bought the car. If any one is interested I'm more than happy to do a quick DIY write up on this (I'm a trade qualified spraypainter). I popped some chrome dress rings on the wheels as well, still waiting for my centre caps. Any ways here some pics
Front bumper before - not as bad as the rear!
And after
The super-ugly-car-ruining-seen-better-days rear bumper
And after
Here's a half way shot of the rear bumper to show the difference
I'm pretty happy with it although I'm still most likely going to be painting the top section of the bumpers black as well as the bottom lips. I have the day off work tomorrow so I'll probably be buffing the entire car. Progress is a bit slow as I haven't had many days to spend time on it.