wat's the piping size? 2.25, 2.5, 2.75 or 3? standard is 2inch...NA or FI?
hey all
just wondering how nesesary backpresure is with a vr6
is there
A: no differance
B: power gain
C: power loss
i am currently running 1 resinator & the standard rear muffler and am considering removing the rear muffler?
so it will basicly be straight through
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wat's the piping size? 2.25, 2.5, 2.75 or 3? standard is 2inch...NA or FI?
Looking at ETKA, I reckon it's 2 inch. I'd not be removing the rear silencer, it's the one that does the most work.
It takes the most noise out of the exhaust.
the standard size on a vr6 is 2.125" from memory.
If you remove the rear muffler without putting something else in its place you will be too worried about your ears bleeding more than how much power you have.
lmao not to worried about noise lol
*i am a dumb teenager remember
thinking of just after the rear beam putting a flange so i can easily fit back the standard box when wanted .
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it'll be SOOOOOOO loud without a back box.
wouldn't recommend it if you actually enjoy driving.
I'd suggest taking out the middle suitcase resonator if anything mate..Branko has done that and it's not too loud. Either that, or just get a cheap catback system with two more mufflers behind the cat (instead of the three that are already there). The VR6 sounds great with just a little opening up. Too much and it will drone like hell!!
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