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Thread: Another random kids pointless VR6 thread

  1. #311
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    Thanks Quakes

    Anyway she was going fine or a few days (well thats a lie, didnt get around to fixing the exhaust leak so contiued to drive a car that wouldnt idle aound town which is fun) but ofcourse it didnt last.

    Tow truck driver had some fun getting it on there with varus ramps and pieces of wood ect hah

  2. #312
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    Just pulled her apart again...

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuu....

    That was the last oil pump drive shaft in aus too, so going to have to get bits from over seas. I'm starting to get over this. Its taken me 3 pumps, 3 pans and 2 oil pump drive shafts to realise that everyone is right... its just stupid driving it that low around here.

    Its time to do the obvious...

    Shortened pan, pump and new engine mounts here I come.

  3. #313
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    Dude - I'm looking at your car, thinking - its not that low! Is there alot of potholes around where you live? You seem to be annihilating the underneath of your car! Maybe I'm just lucky?

  4. #314
    Join Date
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    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    so you waited ages to get your oil pump fixed, and then got it running for 2 days and broke it again?

    didn't learn did you?

    where's the beefed up sump at? You do try and avoid pot holes right? Or are the roads just that bad...?

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  5. #315
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    maybe its lower then it looks, haha, sump is something like 30mm off the ground. Axles are rubbing on the chasis. Hard to go much lower then it is static without notching things ect ifI had my euro lip on it would be like an inch off the ground

    But yeah, there are a few pot holes and that, but im carefull. I do not for the life of me know how this one was destroyed. it happened while i was just giving it some down the road, didnt hit anything, oil light just started flashing, so i killed the engine asap, pulled over and brought her home (luckily was just under the 21km the RACQ will tow for free).

    This time i had just put on a second hand pick up and my old dinged up sump i had patched up. The pickup seemed to be quite brittle, idk. First ones lasted ages.

  6. #316
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    Yeah maybe its cause your lip isn't on? It just didn't seem that low - but yeah 30mm is pretty damn low! Sucks!

  7. #317
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    didnt see your thing before jarred, i actually had put a new pump and sump on a couple weeks earlier, which broke in 1 ****ing day. then these in 3... its retarded. The roads arent that bad and i havent taken any hard hits at all. The amount of swerving i do makes people think im drunk, but I can assure you no more caution could be taken. Maybe i didnt tourque something up right or something and thats why theyve shattered so easy. Both times with the last 2 it has hapened while i was just giving it a push on a straight, flat bit of road, 100% sure i did not hit anything when the light came on...

  8. #318
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    your sumps 30mm from the ground, thats Fkn low man !
    mines 60mm and its stupid.
    I cant go over certain speed bumps without scrapping the **** out of it.

    Sounds like some bad luck mate,Dont give up thoe !

    The price you pay for being low right .
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  9. #319
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sortofbigbj View Post
    Maybe i didnt tourque something up right or something and thats why theyve shattered so easy. Both times with the last 2 it has hapened while i was just giving it a push on a straight, flat bit of road, 100% sure i did not hit anything when the light came on...
    maybe youv over tightened it, check a bently manual out ?
    when i did my head gasket on a 2slow, the heat shield cracked cause i didnt tighten to spec.
    yeah at this point id be gettin the r32 bits !
    wind it up till you get the bits, then get low an blow sparks !! wait ant the fuel tank gonna scrap first ?

  10. #320
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    It may not be 30mm, thats a guess, haha. is about an inch lower then the lowest hottunings are meant to go in the front for those who know what height tht is, haha.

    Trying to keep motivated, but its hard when the little spare time i now get goes to pulling oil pumps off down on the street every weekend. Theres so much I have to do to this thing to get it to a standard I'll be happy with :/ and now that im working full time and am trying to keep a social life, its hard. Ive been home like 5 hours all week haha.

    edit, didnt see your post Rd Runrr
    Quote Originally Posted by Rd Runrr View Post
    maybe youv over tightened it, check a bently manual out ?
    when i did my head gasket on a 2slow, the heat shield cracked cause i didnt tighten to spec.
    yeah at this point id be gettin the r32 bits !
    wind it up till you get the bits, then get low an blow sparks !! wait ant the fuel tank gonna scrap first ?
    Maybe, i didnt do them that tight though really. I've sheared the end off 2 oil pump driveshafts now too, which I dont think is a common thing to do, I hope I havet bent something somewhere which would be causing that... I have a benty, but no tourqe wrench :/

    No point winding it up, as i have no parts to get it going again, so if im goin to get r32 bits, it wont be driven until then.
    Last edited by Ben J; 04-06-2011 at 07:11 PM.

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