id install myself but am planning a fibreglass box moulded to one side of the boot for a 10 inch sub, a decent sub (alpine type r have caught my eye), and a relatively cheap 2 channel amp I can bridge to power the sub, but then use for the front speakers when I buy a real monoblock sometime further in the future. then some quality front component speakers (not decided on these yet) and some dynamat in the front doors, something for a little rear fill and then all would be good. already have a decent head unit in there, and the front speakers sound pretty good really so for now id just like to add a sub to get that bit of kick.

looking at heaps of brands at the moment, and mainly from american sites (it works out a fair bit cheaper then local places seem to do, even though shipping costs almost as much as the parts) but yea will probably hit up jb and maybe some local audio stores and such and see what sort of prices they can do before i order, would prefer to support local people. but then again when there is a big price difference ordering from the us seems logical. Have a set up id love to just hit order, but then i remember i have $40 to my name and get depressed again