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So, time for an update. I took leamedhurst's advice and ordered an air-con service kit from the USA, landed for $402 (shipping was $110) the compressor $245 but it comes with som ancillary parts. I ordered on the 6th, and it arrived here today, so if the labour is the same at $240, I should get a serviced air-con system with new compressor, sent half-way round the world for about $640 or haf what I was quoted on the Sunshine Coast - it's madness!
Its madness in terms of the costs, but to be fair to the guy quoting your job, he doesn't have time to look at the states, he quotes as its poiced here and that's what it costs, I go through the same pain daily and I have to sit at night after hrs researching parts over seas as we are well and truly getting ripped here, I do it as I have contacts and family over there but you your local guys just don't have the time and can only quote as what they can get it here for. Totally understand the saving and why folk do it this way, dutring the day I simply cant price it any other way than local and I specialise, the indie shops must have a nightmare, can only feel for them, as for going down the 2nd hand route well you might just inherit someone elses problem, totally not worth it , not with AC. That my take though for what its worth 
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