Yup thats about right. Thats why I just get mine rebuilt.
I`d risk used on a 4 cylinder as they are easy to fit, but not on a VR6 as they take so long to fit.
i got quoted for a new vw unit for 2400 and an after marker version for 900
does that sound rite i knew vw parts were expensive but come on wat a ****ing rip off anyone else had any experience
i dont think id part with a second handy dont want to risk it
Yup thats about right. Thats why I just get mine rebuilt.
I`d risk used on a 4 cylinder as they are easy to fit, but not on a VR6 as they take so long to fit.
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I got my reco one from Loon (after scewing round with a second hand one) and it ended up having the job done twice... Loon is right, stick with a fully rebuilt one.
Plan B: Import one from German Auto Parts in New York at a reasonable price, grab whatever other spares you need while your there. Prices are just sooo much better than Australia even after factoring shipping. Sadly the exchange rate is down so it's not as attractive as it was a few months ago, but at ~AU$550 + shipping it's a little cheaper than the $2,400 you've been quoted.
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i ended up paying 890 dollers for a brand new after market bolt on one so yeah bit of a compromise and i got my starter motor rebuilt cost me 200 but i wont have that awful buzz sound every time i start the car
i think its a common problem in the mk3 after a while the starter motor dries up and sticks on the fly wheel