I had a quick check on ETKA and the part number is 037 906 433A for the AGG. For the ABA, it's 021 907 319B. ETKA calls it an "impulse sender" - the sensor that is connected to the front of the block, just below the oil filter housing.
Hi Guys!
New to the forum and thanks for having me.
I just ordered a crank sensor off eBay and just realised it is for a ABA Motor.
My motor is a AGG (2.0L 8V). Will the sensor work and what are the exact differences between the two motors??
Thanks Andy.
Last edited by drex11; 31-05-2011 at 10:56 PM. Reason: Clarification
I had a quick check on ETKA and the part number is 037 906 433A for the AGG. For the ABA, it's 021 907 319B. ETKA calls it an "impulse sender" - the sensor that is connected to the front of the block, just below the oil filter housing.
i tried an aba sensor in an ady and it didnt work, so my guess is it probably wont..
Crankshaft Sensor 037 906 433 A SEAT / VOLKSWAGEN
Crankshaft Sensor 021 907 319 B VOLKSWAGEN
Might be worth a call to a local VW parts dealer to confirm
Hopefully it looks like this
This is a good website to get one from (or check)
The bentley forum is also good to check
Bentley Publishers - Technical Discussions : Forum Search
Thanks Lads,
The part in question was $22 delivered from the States, to buy it here from the dealer was $160. So I think I will put it in and hope for the best! Just need to fix a few problems with the old girl to sell her! *sad times*