Boris at Volkscare
12/4 Macquarie Place Boronia VIC 3155
(03) 9729 9281
Factory 1, 171 Para Road Greensborough 3088
Ph: (03) 9435 1868
Both good places and work on VR6's
Hey all,
I have a 95' VR6, and as most VR6 owners do, they like unleashing a little bit of power out of there 2.8!
So I came across a few good deals on! Autotech 262 Camshaft, GIAC Chip, and Set of Lifters, all for bout $640 shipped!
Lucas from Eurospeed quoted me $200 to install (solder, and flash the chip for my specific mods, and model)
Now its just the Camshaft installation, i'd love to do the install myself but I really don't think i'm mechanically skilled enough! It's my first car and god knows what I might end up doing to it!
Any feedback on the difficulty of these installs?
I got quoted $750 from RevZone just for labour (I supply the Camshafts & Lifters), not sure if that sounds about right for the job?
Anyway cheers guys!
03' Mini Cooper S
95' MK3 VR6 - SOLD
Boris at Volkscare
12/4 Macquarie Place Boronia VIC 3155
(03) 9729 9281
Factory 1, 171 Para Road Greensborough 3088
Ph: (03) 9435 1868
Both good places and work on VR6's
Thanks for the reply mate! Will contact them![]()
03' Mini Cooper S
95' MK3 VR6 - SOLD
Keep us updated on this please! Very interested in the install cost and power difference at the end!
96 VW VR6 Golf (Daily driver)
65 VW Beetle (Under restoration)
Will do man! 262's & GIAC seems like a sweet little combo!
03' Mini Cooper S
95' MK3 VR6 - SOLD
Getting in there and doing it yourself is the best way to learn these things, but if you aren't mechanically minded/confident you will be able to get it done, I'd leave it to a pro. If you stuff something up its going to cost even more to get it all fixed up. That said, I have no doubt with a bit of research and a bentley manual you could do it yourself. I've never just swapped a cam on a vr6 (although have pulled apart the entire motor) but can't see it taking ~7.5 hours of labour you seem to have been quoted for. One of those places that James recommended which work on these things all the time will probably be after a bit less.
Be sure to let us know what you think of it if you get it all done![]()
Yeah I really wish I could do it! Or even just watch, but just the fact that like you said, if i stuff something up, im screwed! hahah
Some time tomorrow i'll be ringing up those places and will report back here
Ill be sure to write up a little review of how the Cam's and the Chip feels once there in hopefully!
Thanks for your help mate![]()
03' Mini Cooper S
95' MK3 VR6 - SOLD
mate ask Lucas if he'll do the camshaft and lifter install too. He does that kind of stuff
then tell me how much seat of the pants different there is, because these are the mods I want to do![]()
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I asked him about the camshafts & lifters when I enquired about the GIAC chip, but he didn't get back to me about them!
I'll try again soon
Ill try gather some prices from various places and post them up here cause it looks like cams are a mod that a lot of people here are after!![]()
03' Mini Cooper S
95' MK3 VR6 - SOLD
Okay guys!
So far we got this:
Volkwerke: $550 for Camshafts & Lifters
Volkscare: $700 for Camshafts & Lifters
RevZone: $750 for Camshafts & Lifters
Lucas from Eurospeed: $200 to Solder & Reprogram GIAC Chip for OBD1 VR6's, and will find out Camshaft & Lifter price from him this weekend.
What do you guys think on the prices? Peter from Volkwerke seemed pretty nice, and is quoting the cheapest![]()
03' Mini Cooper S
95' MK3 VR6 - SOLD