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Thread: Tigar VR6 fuel problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    hurstville,sydney 2220

    Tigar VR6 fuel problem

    hey guys iv been fixing the golf up this whole time almost done but one more problem arrised and i wanted to ask for some help i let the car run on iddle till it ran out of petrol and it did so i tried to start and it wouldnt start then i went to go get fuel for it about 6 litre i poured it in i try starting and it wont start at all now no matter how much fuel it will try kicking over but it wont people say i gotta take it to mechanics to get some petrol put directly into the engine or fuel pump for it to start

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
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    Fuel pump is in the tank, so that is gtting fuel.

    I`d take off the fuel inlet line on the RHS of the car. On the Left as you look into the engine bay and turn the car over until fuel is coming out of the hose. Then reconnect and hopefully car will start.

    If not, you have dragged some cr@p through the lines, which will be pain to sort out.

    Good luck.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Could be the pump jammed up if you ran it without fuel in the tank. This may have blown a fues

    At the end of the fuel rail there should be a stub with a bolt in it. Remove the bolt and check for fuel pressure with the ign off. there should be rsidual pressure in there even after an hour. Next, similar to Loons idea I'd get a piece of clear hose on the stub and spin the key and see if you get any fuel out.

    If you do then the problem could be the injectors or something under the bonnet. If you don't get any fuel out you need to check the pump and lines.


  4. #4
    syncro Guest
    The fuel pump is liquid cooled. If you ran it for too long the fuel pump motor may be cooked. Can you hear it running?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by TIGAR
    hey guys iv been fixing the golf up this whole time almost done but one more problem arrised and i wanted to ask for some help i let the car run on iddle till it ran out of petrol and it did so i tried to start and it wouldnt start then i went to go get fuel for it about 6 litre i poured it in i try starting and it wont start at all now no matter how much fuel it will try kicking over but it wont people say i gotta take it to mechanics to get some petrol put directly into the engine or fuel pump for it to start
    check it for spark maybe your coil is finished it sounds similar to what happened to mine in regards to not kicking over a coil cost 150 for hanvic south yarra and available and if fuel problem maybe line or pump but doubt it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    hurstville,sydney 2220
    Thread Starter
    one of my mates said once these cars run outer fuel (till the last drop) i needa put fuel directly into the pump or intake so it starts again, then it should be fine is that true or it could have sucked up some dirt from the bottom of the tank

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    It'll pick up fuel if it's actually turning. No need to prime it. If you have more than a gallon in there it should go.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    hurstville,sydney 2220
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw
    It'll pick up fuel if it's actually turning. No need to prime it. If you have more than a gallon in there it should go.

    well it kicks over but wont start people say once they run outer petrol u needa take it to mechanics to get fuel put into the engine some how cause the pump wont suck fuel up ( something got to do with pressure)

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Cobblers, they don't fanny round like that at the factory I assure you.

    If you have a gallon in the tank and it is getting round the pump's pick up, then it'll start if the ign is good.

    You need to check whether there is any fuel in the lines, if not find out why.

    Can you hear the pump running when you crank then motor? Lift the rear seat/boot carpet and remove the pump access cover, then listen while someone else cranks it.


  10. #10
    syncro Guest

    Just turn the ignition on and the pump should run for about 4 seconds. Should be able to hear it from the drivers seat.

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