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Thread: troubles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Leichhardt, NSW


    Hey Guys
    I've come here looking for some advice, I was actually introduced to this site buy someone dropping a card under my wiper when I was parked in Chippendale, Sydney a year or 2 ago, I've got a 96 Vento GL Classic that we've had for 7 years now. It's been great never skipped a beat, but it's been a bit neglected lately. My mechanics shut up shop and I'm yet to find a replacement.
    First thing 5th gear just disappeared the other day, can't get it into 5th, driving or parked. I've had no other issues with transmission at all, and from what I've been reading it's possibly 'linkage' is that right, I'm hoping it's nothing major.
    Secondly I've noticed this kind of creaking when taking off, maybe coming from suspension or body, feels like it's in the front right, the car just doesn't feel as stable as it use too. Any ideas?
    So I'm now looking for a new mechanic, and I've found there's a place near where I live in Hornsby called Autohaus Northshore, a European car workshop, anyone been there or recommend anyone else, I came a across a post of a place in Artarmon, can't remember the name.
    I love my little Vento and always wanted to get it tweaked a bit, but you know kids and mortgage got in the way, maybe I should just get a VR6 like I always wanted.
    Anyway thanks for anyones time, I'll post a pic of the car when I can find the camera.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    Creaky suspension could be a duff rear mount in the wishbone. They fall apart pretty regularly and cause the wheel to move back and forth in the arch as you accelerate and brake. I bought a pair from Imparts for $26 recently. Probably an hour a side to fit. It's likely to be wearing your tyres strangely too.

    The loss of 5th is very likely to be adjustment or worn linkages.

    Try Golf loon, I don't know my Sydney burbs, so apologies if it miles away. Matt will be able to sort you out though.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
    Users Country Flag
    Yup, Gavin is probably right on both issues.

    Come for a drive to Campbelltown and we`ll sort it for you.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Leichhardt, NSW
    Thread Starter
    Yeah cool, thanks for the replies guys,
    Matt, would I need to worry about driving to Campbelltown if the transmission
    is something worse, like no trans fluid? It's in need of a good service and my knowledge goes as far as checking water and oil, although I'd like to find the time to tinker and take care of it myself.
    Do you do servicing at CamdenGTI? from your site it looks as though you only specialize in parts etc, although I'd definetly be interested in coming down and having a chat about anything I can do to get a bit more out out of her.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Hey there.

    I used the Euro place in Artarmon. Forget what Its called but i wrote about it on another post a few months ago so you could search my posts and get the low down.

    They were pretty thorough and helpful. Solved my issues which is all you ask from a service centre/mechanic.

    And yeah, Golf Loon is a great place to go if you can get to Campbelltown. He'll fix ya car (better than Lube Mobile will!) haha

    Hope that helps.

    //:MK3 Golf/2.0/15's/Stock Height/Smoked Repeaters/Mk4Badge/Alpine Head Unit

  6. #6
    gpk_gti Guest

    LOON is the man in my opinion!!!!
    the artarmon workshop is milan,,he is a member here somewhere

    sounds like you have some issues which could get very serious and expensive if left too long... best you get it checked asap


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