You need $500 in your hand if you goto the auction.
Car can be driven, hail damage is cosmetic.
Looms will be different between the two cars Mischa. Your aussie one has the right loom for a Vr6 conversion, the South African car will go heaps faster than your current one ;)
my mate is going to buy this car. if you want to bid against him, drop me a pm first for a chat, no point bidding against each other :)
Where did you find these cars?
Originally Posted by
Golf Loon
Did you buy it Mischa?
my mate bought it whos also a member here (jayjay). its getting blueslipped during the week. the water pump is shot and theres something dodgy going on with the handbrake, probably a cable. other than that its lookin and running pretty well :)
Hoorah another one saved.
It goes hard that car, I can help him with bits if need be.
Hi Folks, this was my car. It was caught in the recent hailstorms that hit blacktown before christmas. The insurance company wrote it off but wouldn't let me buy it back off them. The damage isn't too bad...there was a fair few nice big dents but one particularly large hail stone that kind of hit the edge of the roof and cracked the paint. This is why they wrote it off. I'd spent about 3 grand on the mechanicals over the last 18 months on it. If anyone can get it from auction for $500 I reckon they'd be getting a bargain (especially if they know a good cheap panel beater or can transplant the running gear).